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Notations Z

set of all integers; Common Notations and Definitions
z a
power function; (4.2.26)
Z κ ( T )
zonal polynomial; §35.4(i)
𝒵 ν ( z )
modified cylinder function; §10.25(ii)
Z ( x | k )
Jacobi’s zeta function; (22.16.32)
ζ ( s )
Riemann zeta function; (25.2.1)
ζ x ( s )
incomplete Riemann zeta function; (8.22.2)
ζ ( s , a )
Hurwitz zeta function; (25.11.1)
ζ(z) (= ζ(z|𝕃) = ζ(z;g2,g3))
Weierstrass zeta function; (23.2.5)
ζ ( z ; g 2 , g 3 )
Weierstrass zeta function; §23.3(i)