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Administrative Supplements to Promote Research Continuity and Retention of NIH Mentored Career Development (K) Award Recipients

Administrative supplement requests received in response to NOT-OD-20-054 are intended to ensure continuity of research among recipients of mentored career development (K) awards by providing supplemental research support to help sustain the investigator’s research during critical life events.

Reference NOT-OD-20-054 and PA-18-591 for additional information. The information on this website is not intended to replace the detailed information in the program announcement.

Applicant Eligibility

PD/PIs of the following activity codes are eligible for the award: K01, K07, K08, K22, K23, K25 and K99/R00 (on the mentored K99 portion of the K99/R00).

Individual(s) must hold an active grant, and the research proposed in the supplement must be accomplished within the competitive segment of the active award. 

For the purposes of this program, childbirth, adoption, and primary caregiving responsibilities of an ailing spouse, child, partner, or a member of the immediate family during the project period are critical life events that would qualify for consideration. Evidence that the circumstance may affect advancement of the mentored career development award or productivity must be provided. In circumstances in which the critical life event is pending and is expected to occur during the project period, the supplement request may be submitted in advance of the event.


Allowable costs: The supplement may be used to support additional personnel, computational services, supplies, and equipment that will promote the continuity of the career development research project during a period in which the PD/PI experiences critical life events which have the potential to impact research progress or potential productivity. Administrative supplements must support work within the scope of the original project.

The proposed supplement cannot change the scope of the awarded parent project.

Direct Costs up to $50,000
F&A Costs/Indirect Costs 8%
Award Period up to 12 months

How to Apply

Supplement request applications must be submitted electronically in response to PA-18-591 and must include “NOT-OD-20-054” (without quotation marks) in the Agency Routing Identifier field (box 4b) of the SF424 R&R form. Applications without this information in box 4b will not be considered for this initiative. You may use ASSIST or your institutional system-to-system (S2S) solution to submit the application online through PA-18-591.

Applicants must follow the instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide, as well as any program-specific instructions in NOT-OD-20-054 and PA-18-591.

All page limitations applicable to the parent award as described in the Application Guide and the Table of Page Limits must be followed.

Required Sections

  • Face Page or R&R Cover Form
  • Project/Performance Sites
  • Senior/Key Personnel, Other Significant Contributors
  • PHS 398 budget section
  • Biosketches (NEW key personnel)
  • PHS 398 Career Development Award Supplemental Form 
    • Candidate Information and Goals for Career Development attachment: Personal Statement of the applicant, including long-term research objectives and career goals, a justification for the supplemental support, and a plan to return to full productivity at the end of the supplement period.
    • Institutional Commitment to Candidate’s Research Career Development attachment: Institutional letter of commitment that includes details of resources and mentoring to be made available to the applicant to ensure strong productivity on the parent grant. The letter should also detail the institutional commitment to the applicant’s return to full productivity and research career trajectory at the end of the supplement period.
  • PHS 398 Research Plan Form: At a minimum, the Research Strategy section should be completed and must include a summary or abstract of the funded parent award or project. Other sections should also be included if they are being changed by the proposed supplement activities.
  • PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trial Information: This form is optional. Given that the proposed supplement cannot change the scope of the awarded parent project, it will typically not be needed. If new recruitment or use of an additional existing dataset or resource is proposed in the supplement application, Section 2.4 should be revised and new Inclusion Enrollment Reports created, as appropriate.

NCI-Specific Information

Application Receipt Dates

NCI accepts supplement applications three times a year. The first due dates are March 15, 2020; June 4, 2020; and October 4, 2020. Thereafter, NCI will accept applications on February 4, June 4, and October 4 each year.

  • NCI will not accept applications in response to NOT-OD-20-054 for awards that are in No-Cost Extension (NCE) or will be in a period of NCE at the time the supplement award is expected to be made.
  • Only one supplement application may be submitted to this NOSI for each Qualifying Critical Life Event.
  • The Qualifying Critical Life Event must be current or have occurred within the year prior to the supplement application submission due date.
  • Administrative reviews and processing can take up to 12 weeks. NCI will support the most meritorious applications submitted for consideration, based upon availability of funds.


NCI Staff Contacts

For additional information regarding policies and/or guidance in preparing an application for the K-supplement, contact:

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