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Policy, Data, Oversight Training and Development

  • Yes, the SSN is PII information; however, we ask that agencies submit SSN and DOB for each training event so that we can uniquely identify the employee for record maintenance, training reporting, etc.
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  • Yes.  An agency can pay for training for a political appointee.  Supervisors of political appointees must approve training for these employees when it:
    • Meets the definition of training in 5 USC chapter 41, and
    • Will provide a demonstrable return to the department/agency during the tenure of the employee.
    Political appointees may not participate in academic degree programs (5 USC 4107(b)(3)).
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  • You may not need to evaluate every course or program. To determine whether or not to evaluate a particular course or program, consider the following: Is the program/course important or significant enough to warrant evaluation?
    • Is there a legal requirement to carry out a program evaluation?
    • Will the results of the evaluation influence decision-making about the program/course?
    • Will the evaluation answer questions posed by your stakeholders or those interested in the evaluation?
    You should evaluate those courses or programs where you answer “yes” for one or more of these questions. Agencies are required to evaluate their training programs annually (5 CFR 410.202).  For more information on training evaluation, go to pp. 33 and 34 in the Training Policy Handbook. You may also reference the Training Evaluation Field Guide on OPM’s website and OPM’s Training and Development wiki. 
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  • There is no regulatory requirement that says an employee is obligated to participate in the entire training.  However, 5 CFR 410.405 states, “the head of an agency shall establish such procedures as he or she considers necessary to protect the Government’s interest when employees fail to complete, or to successfully complete, training for which the agency pays the expenses”.  It is up to the agency to develop and communicate such policies and procedures to employees before the training event.
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  • The intent of the SF-182 is to approve and record completion of employee training—not for use as a procurement document.   However, agencies that choose to use the SF-182 to procure training should consult with the agency contracting office for agency specific policies on the use of SF182 as a training procurement option.  You should include guidance on use of the SF-182 as a procurement document in your agency training policy manual.  For more information on procurement and the SF-182, refer to the Training Administration Fast Facts Index.
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  • An academic degree program is part of a planned, systemic and coordinated agency employee development program linked to accomplishing the strategic goals of the agency, meeting an identified agency training need or accomplishing goals in the strategic plan. Employees must undergo a competitive process, consistent with 5 CFR 410.308(c), before selection to an academic degree program.  Agencies should only establish academic degree programs under the conditions of 5 U.S.C 4107. Agencies may NOT select employees for academic degrees for the sole purpose of providing the degree or to qualify for appointment to a position where the academic degree is a basic requirement.   Tuition assistance programs, including individual courses, are NOT considered part of an agency’s academic degree program. Within a tuition assistance program, agencies pay for individual courses/classes. Employees are not required to undergo a competitive process. Supervisors should adhere to the definition of training (5 U.S.C 4101(4)) when choosing which classes/courses to pay for. For more information on academic degree programs and tuition assistance, refer to the Training Administration Fast Facts Index.
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  • Yes, 5 U.S.C. 5757 allows agencies to pay for professional credentials including professional certification. For more information on certifications, please refer to the Training Administration Fast Facts Index.
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  • The Government Employees Training Act (GETA) became law in 1958 giving Federal agencies general authority for employee training.  Under GETA agencies manage their own training, determine their own training needs, and select and fund training to meet those needs.    GETA is codified in Chapter 41 of title 5, United States Code (U.S.C.). We are often asked where employees can access GETA funds.  There is no central GETA fund. Agencies must use their own appropriated training funds to pay for agency training programs.  For more information on GETA and Chapter 41 of title 5, refer to the Training Administration Fast Facts Index.
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  • Agencies are authorized to pay or reimburse an employee for all or part of necessary expenses incurred for training (5 U.S.C. 4109, 4110, and 5 CFR 410.403). Training expenses may include:
    • Course or workshop registration fee
    • Purchase or rental of books, magazines, and other materials
    • Professional certifications, licenses, and certificates
    • Laboratory and library services
    • Conference registration fees
    For more information on training expenses, please refer to the Training Administration Fast Facts Index
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  • Yes, Comptroller General Decisions B-233243, B-213141- O.M., and B-321296 determined that agencies may use current fiscal year’s funds to pay for training in the next fiscal year, if the training is deemed a bona fide need. In order to classify as a bona fide need, the training must meet the following requirements:
    1. The training provider requires the agency to register during the expiring fiscal year;
    2. There is only one date offered; and
    3. The time between registration and the training is not excessive.
    For more information on carrying over fiscal year funds, please refer to the  Training Administration Fast Facts Index.
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