Enterprise Solution Modernization (ESM) Program

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The financial services landscape is ever changing, which means the NCUA must adapt to keep pace and provide for a safe and sound credit union system. The Enterprise Solution Modernization (ESM) program is a multi-year effort to introduce emerging and secure technology solutions that support the NCUA’s examination, data collection and reporting efforts to improve key, integrated business processes. The result will be a flexible technology architecture that integrates modernized systems and tools across the agency.

History and Milestones of the ESM Program

  • November 2015 — The NCUA Board establishes the Enterprise Solution Modernization Program, to include hiring of additional resources within the Office of the Chief Information Officer.
  • March 2016 — The NCUA Board approves Business Innovation positions to lead and coordinate NCUA’s Enterprise Solution Modernization Program to upgrade technology, improve efficiency and reduce examination costs.
  • January 2017 — Business Innovation establishes a state supervisory authority working group to inform and provide input into the ESM Program.
  • June 2017 — The NCUA Board receives a briefing from the Office of the Executive Director and the Office of the Chief Information Officer about the ESM Program.
  • July 2017 — Business Innovation issues a Request for Information on Federal Business Opportunities for vendors to propose a credit and deposit analytic solution.
  • October 2017 — The NCUA Board approves issuance of a Request for Information in the Federal Register seeking public input on the data the NCUA collects as part of its supervision of credit unions.
  • June 2018 — The NCUA Board receives a briefing from the Office of the Executive Director and the Office of the Chief Information Officer about the ESM Program.
  • September 2019 – The NCUA begins a pilot of NCUA Connect and the Modern Examination and Risk Identification Tool (MERIT), the agency’s new examination platform.
  • May 2020 – Due to COVID-19, the NCUA postpones rollout training for NCUA Connect and MERIT. As a result, the agency extends the existing pilot.
  • August 2020 – Pilot extension begins. The extension incorporates new examination functionality and launches the Admin Portal and the Data Exchange Application (DEXA) for pilot participants.
  • September 2020 – The NCUA Board receives a briefing from the Office of the Executive Director, the Office of the Chief Information Office, and Office of Business Innovation about the ESM Program and the Modern Examination and Risk Identification Tool (MERIT).

Frequently Asked Questions


Office of Business Innovation
National Credit Union Administration
1775 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Email: BIMAIL@NCUA.gov

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