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4 Elementary FunctionsHyperbolic Functions

§4.39 Continued Fractions

4.39.1 tanhz=z1+z23+z25+z27+,
4.39.2 arcsinhz1+z2=z1+12z23+12z25+34z27+34z29+,

where z is in the open cut plane of Figure 4.37.1(i).

4.39.3 arctanhz=z1-z23-4z25-9z27-,

where z is in the open cut plane of Figure 4.37.1(iii).

For these and other continued fractions involving inverse hyperbolic functions see Lorentzen and Waadeland (1992, pp. 569–571). See also Cuyt et al. (2008, pp. 211–217).