UK Legal Resources Provided Online by the Law Library of Congress

I have decided to take advantage of the blog to draw a little attention to some of the legal research aids for my primary jurisdiction, the United Kingdom, that we have available online through the Law Library of Congress website.  There are a mixture of resources available from this site on the U.K., from research guides …

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An Interview with Brian Kuhagen, Lead Technician for Legal Processing Workflow Resolution

This week’s staff interview features Brian Kuhagen, a technician in our Collection Services Division. Describe your background I was born across the Potomac River in Arlington, Virginia, and still live in Arlington to this day, though in a different spot.  My only sibling is a younger twin brother.  Growing up in the DC area was …

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When Legal Systems Collide – The Case of the “Honeymoon Killer”

A young American woman dies while scuba diving on her honeymoon in Australia in 2003.  After lengthy police investigations, an inquest in 2008 finds that it is likely that her husband (an experienced diver) killed her by holding her under the water.  The husband voluntarily returns from the U.S. to face murder charges in Australia.  …

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The Law Library of Congress: A Place Where Interesting Topics are Discussed

The following is a guest post by Hanibal Goitom, Foreign Law Specialist at the Law Library of Congress.  This is his second guest post – the first discussed cases and legislation relating to women’s rights in Africa. Here at the Law Library of Congress we have a great tradition called the “Power Lunch” – a …

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Happy Veterans Day!

Whether or not you’re enjoying the day off, take a minute today to explore the Library’s Veterans History Project. There’s also a bill in THOMAS, S.Res. 670, that would designate this week beginning on Monday, November 8, 2010, as “National Veterans History Project Week.” Want to learn more about Veterans Day?  The Department of Veterans …

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System Status: Read Only

It is a strange week in collection services.  There has been a lot less movement of library materials but something else is missing.  Noise.  There is a noticeable quietness.  A lack of keyboards and mice clicking away.  This is the week the Library’s ILS (integrated library system) is in read-only mode while upgrades are being …

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Current Legal Topics

After the success of my Guide to Law Online blog post, I decided to draw some attention to other areas of the Law Library’s website that users may not be that familiar with. Current Legal Topics is a guide that provides legal commentary and recommended resources on issues and events with legal significance. New content …

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