Finding U.S. Supreme Court Records and Briefs

My 11th grade English teacher* sent me a Facebook message a couple of weeks ago asking for assistance in locating the records and briefs from Brown v. Board of Education.  I replied with a list of resources, including exhibits at the Library of Congress and the National Archives.  In answering his question, I realized that it might be helpful if I highlighted one of the Law Library’s own resource guides.

The Law Library’s website has a very helpful page on finding U.S. Supreme Court Records and Briefs.  This research tool lists resources such as Landmark Briefs and Arguments of the Supreme Court of the United States: Constitutional Law, which contains reprints of the records, briefs, and arguments for selected major constitutional cases.  If you are in the reading room, you will find this resource on Row 41A.  The resource guide also illustrates how to find Records and Briefs in both paper and microform versions.

An online resource available in the reading room is the database Making of Modern Law: United States Supreme Court Records and Briefs , 1832-1978 which contains “over 350,000 full-text Supreme Court documents covering more than 150,000 distinct cases.”

If you are looking for more information, the Supreme Court of the United States has a helpful guide on Where to Find Briefs of the Supreme Court of the U.S. .  The Court also provides information on the availability of Transcripts and Recordings of Oral Arguments.

*Who has kindly agreed to let me share this information.

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