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Office of Naval Research 70 Years of Leading Science and Technology Innovation Seal
The latest Future Force magazine—focusing on education, training and STEM initiatives in the DoN—is available! Includes original articles from the ASN (RDA), the Hon. James "Hondo" Geurts; Chief of Naval Research Rear Adm. Lorin Selby; NPS President Ann E. Rondeau; DON's Director of Small Business Programs Mr. Jimmy Smith; and more.
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(1) The latest Future Force magazine—focusing on education, training and STEM initiatives in the DoN—is available! Includes original articles from the ASN (RDA), the Hon. James "Hondo" Geurts; Chief of Naval Research Rear Adm. Lorin Selby; NPS President Ann E. Rondeau; DON's Director of Small Business Programs Mr. Jimmy Smith; and more.
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(2) Calling all STEM College Students! Share your ideas and EARN CASH!
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(3) Coronavirus assistance and acquisition-related information and resources.
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DoD Awards $50 Million

DURIPThe Department of Defense (DoD) recently awarded $50 million in grants to 150 university scientists—54 of whom are sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR)—via the Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP).

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ONR Events

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75 Years of Reimagining Naval Power

ONR 75th Anniversary LogoThe Office of Naval Research (ONR) has been planning, fostering and encouraging scientific research—and reimagining naval power—since 1946. As ONR commemorates 75 years, find out more throughout the year about ONR’s many accomplishments for warfighters, and the world, on our history page.

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ONR Networks Around the Globe

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