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Trademark Electronic Application System
Request To Delete Section 1(B) Basis, Intent To Use
(15 U.S.C. § 1051(b))

TEAS - Version 5.0: 10/27/2012

Use this form only
  • To delete the Section 1(b) basis for an entire application or an entire class of goods and/or services, and to rely on an alternative basis for registration that is already of record for that class. You cannot use this form to delete a class from the application. For example, if one class is based on Section 1(a) and another class is based on Section 1(b), this form should not be used. You would need to use the Preliminary Amendment form or Post-Publication Amendment form to delete the Section 1(b) class and proceed with only the Section 1(a) class.

    Do not use this form for any of the following:
  • To delete the Section 1(b) basis when Section 1(b) is the only basis currently stated in the application;
  • To delete the Section 1(b) basis after publication where the only remaining basis for a given class would be Section 44(d); permissible only where the
         remaining basis for all classes in the application would be Section 1(a) and/or Section 44(e);
  • To delete the Section 1(b) basis for only some of the goods and/or services within a class or to delete a class that is based on Section 1(b) where other classes have another basis for registration. See Preliminary Amendment form [link to] or Post-Publication Amendment form;
  • To delete goods, services, and/or class(es) from an application. See Preliminary Amendment form or Post-Publication Amendment form;
  • To file a request to divide. (You must currently file a paper request unless the request is being filed with a TEAS allegation of use form, wherein request to divide functionality specifically exists).
  • NOTE: You must complete any field preceded by the symbol "*".

    WARNING: This form has a session time limit of 60 minutes. Your "session" began as soon as you accessed this initial Form Wizard page. If you exceed the 60-minute time limit, the form will not validate and you must begin the entire process again; you can, however, extend the time limit. You should always try to have all information required to complete the form prior to starting any session.

    :      (required only if completing the form for the first time)

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    Sat Feb 16 18:23:28 EST 2013