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32 Painlevé TranscendentsProperties

§32.12 Asymptotic Approximations for Complex Variables


§32.12(i) First Painlevé Equation

See Boutroux (1913), Kapaev and Kitaev (1993), Takei (1995), Costin (1999), Joshi and Kitaev (2001), Kapaev (2004), and Olde Daalhuis (2005b).

§32.12(ii) Second Painlevé Equation

See Boutroux (1913), Novokshënov (1990), Kapaev (1991), Joshi and Kruskal (1992), Kitaev (1994), Its and Kapaev (2003), and Fokas et al. (2006, Chapter 7).

§32.12(iii) Third Painlevé Equation

See Fokas et al. (2006, Chapter 16).