About the Project

Notations N

intersection; Common Notations and Definitions
set of all positive integers; Common Notations and Definitions
winding number; (1.9.32)
N ( z )
Airy modulus function; (9.8.7)
N ν ( x )
modulus of derivatives of Bessel functions; (10.18.2)
N ν ( z ) = Y ν ( z )
common alternative notation; §10.1
(with Yν(z): Bessel function of the second kind)
N ( n , k )
Narayana number; (26.6.3)
backward difference; §18.1(i)
nc ( z , k )
Jacobian elliptic function; (22.2.5)
nd ( z , k )
Jacobian elliptic function; (22.2.6)
Ne n ( 1 , 2 ) ( z , q ) = 1 2 π g o , n ( h ) se n ( 0 , q ) Ms n ( 3 , 4 ) ( z , h )
notation used by Arscott (1964b), McLachlan (1947); §28.1
(with sen(z,q): Mathieu function, π: the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter and Msn(j)(z,h): radial Mathieu function)
ns ( z , k )
Jacobian elliptic function; (22.2.4)
ν ( n )
number of distinct primes dividing n; §27.2(i)