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North American Multi-Model Ensemble

The North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME) is a multi-model, seasonal forecasting system consisting of coupled models from North American modeling centers. This data contains global, 12-month forecasts of 13 key variables.

NMME CCSM4 Daily Maximum Temperature
NMME CCSM4 Daily Maximum Temperature

The NMME contributors are NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), NOAA's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL), the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), and Canada’s Centre for Climate Modeling and Analysis (CCCma). The models include The Community Climate System Model version 4 (CCSM4),  the Climate Forecast Model version 2 (CFSv2-2011), the Canadian Coupled Climate Model versions 3 and 4 (CanCM3, CanCM4), the Global Environmental Multiscale/Nucleus for European Modeling of the Ocean (GEM/NEMO), and the Goddard Earth Observing System Model version 5 (GEOS-5).

NMME data is daily or 6-hourly with a 1º by 1º spatial resolution. Most NMME datasets have 10 realizations for each variable. Variables include the following; by model and variable name ("N/A" denotes variables that are not available).

Variable CCSM4 CESM1 CFSV2-2011 CanCM3 CanCM4 FLORB-01 GEOS-5
Precipitation rate pr precip pr prlr prlr pr pr
Daily Maximum Surface Air Temperature TREFMXAV Tasmax tasmax tasmax tasmax tasmax tasmax
Daily Minimum Surface Air Temperature TREFMNAV Tasmin tasmin tasmin tasmin tasmin tasmin
Zonal surface stress STX Stx stx stx stx N/A stx
Meridional surface stress STY Sty sty sty sty N/A sty
Sea level pressure PSL Psl psl psl psl N/A psl
Zonal wind (@850 hPa) ua ua ua ua ua N/A ua
Meridional wind (@850 hPa) va va va va va N/A va
Zonal wind (@200 hPa) ua ua ua ua ua N/A ua
Meridional wind (@200 hPa) va va va va va N/A va
Net longwave flux at top of model N/A Rlt N/A rlt rlt N/A rlt
Net solar flux at surface N/A Rss N/A rss rss N/A N/A
Geopotential height (@500 hPa) g G g g g N/A g
Specific Humidity HUS hus hus hus hus N/A hus

Product Types

Note:  As of March 2018, data for CFSv2 and CCSM4 are accessible through the access links below. The other model data sets will be accessible once they arrive in the NCEI archive.


Model Grid/Scale Period of Record Model Cycle Output Timestep Data Access Links
CCSM4 Global, 1º 01Jan2011 - Present 1/day Daily HTTPS TDS ERDDAP
CFSV2-2011 Global, 1º 01Jan2011 - Present 1/day 6-hourly HTTPS TDS ERDDAP
CanCM3 Global, 1º 01Jan2011 - Present 1/day Daily HTTPS TDS
CanCM4 Global, 1º 01Jan2011 - Present 1/day Daily HTTPS TDS
GEOS-5 Global, 1º 01Jan2011 - Present 1/day Daily HTTPS TDS
GEM/NEMO Global, 1º 01Nov2019 - Present 1/day Daily HTTPS TDS

Data Usage Notes


Publication References


Miscellaneous Documentation



NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)

NOAA's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL)

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)

NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)

Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis (CCCma)