Online Book Requests Now Being Received

The Law Library is pleased to announce that patrons may now request items from the collection using the online Automated Call Slip (ACS) system.  Prior to March 2nd, patrons were required to fill out a paper request slip.  With the introduction of the ACS in the Law Library, we are joining the Main, Local History & Genealogy, and Science & Business reading rooms in allowing materials to be requested electronically.

What does this mean for patrons?  In addition to using it in the Library, the ACS allows the public or staff to request books from home. The system will then notify the patron via email as to whether the material has been found and is being sent to the Law Library Reading Room.  The need to come to the Library first to request books and wait until they have been fetched from the stacks has ended.

Library of Congress registered readers may request any law title or volume held either in the closed stacks or shelved offsite in Fort Meade Modules I and II via the LC Online Catalog using their individual account numbers.  Law materials will be retrieved for use only in the Law Library Reading Room; they cannot be delivered to other reading rooms in the Library of Congress.

First time users of  the ACS system will need to obtain a temporary password for use during their first logon. This password is available in person from the reference desk in the Law Library or the Main or Science & Business reading rooms.

If you are completely new to using the Library of Congress reading rooms, all public users are required to register by obtaining and using a Library of Congress Reader Identification Card.  More information is available from the office of Reader Registration.

There are some limitations to the ACS.  Reference materials, either in the Law Library Reading Room or the Global Legal Resource Room, cannot be requested via the use of this system. Additionally, items from our Rare and Special Collections cannot be requested online.

How do you request an item?  While viewing a catalog record, select Request an Item from the top button bar.

You will then be prompted to enter your Last Name, Account Number and Password.  Select the LOGON button to continue.

If necessary, enter in edition or year of volume, indicate if you would like to receive status updates via email, and click SEND REQUEST.

It is the aim of the Law Library to have as many requests made via the ACS system as is possible.  Since implementation of this system on March 2nd, patrons have successfully requested and received materials in our reading room.

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