National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration
United States Department of Commerce


Record and measure geophysical, biological, meteorological, cryogenic and anthropogenic sound sources throughout the global ocean using innovative acoustic technologies and sensor platforms to characterize ocean soundscapes that inform stakeholders and the public on the health of marine ecosystems.

What's New

June 24, 2020
CLOSP lander on the deck of the DSSV Pressure Drop that houses scientific sensors. It is approximately 1 by 1.5 by 1.8 meters in size

The full-ocean depth hydrophone (top left) attached to the CLOSP lander along with a conductivity, temperature and depth sensor (CTD). The lander also stores geological and biological samples collected by the submersible. Photo Credit: Kathy Sullivan/Caladan Oceanic

July 08, 2020

PMEL Acoustics Program and Engineering Development Division participated as part of a memorandum of understanding between NOAA and Caladan providing subject matter expertise on pressure sensors and acoustics during the June mission in the Mariana Trench to map the Challenger Deep with pressure...

In the News

Scientists are using hydrophones, instruments that use underwater microphones, to collect clues about melting glaciers and the songs of... more

For animals no longer than a stick of chewing gum, snapping shrimp make an impressive racket. En masse, they create what sounds like... more