Program Areas
Quick Reference
Pollution Prevention


This Pollution Prevention Program Area contains guidance, tools, examples, and analyses of products and processes which can be substituted for existing products/processes or added to existing processes to reduce/eliminate pollution.

Executive Order (EO) 13834, Efficient Federal Operations, was signed by President Trump on 17 May 2018. Section 8 of this EO revokes EO 13693.

In relation to energy and environmental performance, EO 13834 states that it is the policy of the United States that agencies shall meet such statutory requirements in a manner that increases efficiency, optimizes performance, eliminates unnecessary use of resources, and protects the environment.

Section 2, of EO 13834 directs federal facilities to continue the following efforts:

  • Implementing waste prevention and recycling measures and comply with all Federal requirements with regard to solid, hazardous, and toxic waste management and disposal;
  • Tracking and reporting on energy management activities, performance improvements, cost reductions, greenhouse gas emissions, energy and water savings, and other appropriate performance measures.

The Implementing Instructions for EO 13834, issued April 2019, provides instructions to Federal agencies regarding the implementation of EO 13834 including agency planning, reporting requirements, and accountability. Note that in these implementing instructions, the terms "must" and "shall" convey statutory or regulatory requirements; "instruct" conveys directions to implement EO 13834; "should" or "may" convey recommended best practices for efficient and effective implementation (Section 1, para B.)

In relation to Pollution Prevention, the implementing instructions define the applicable Progress Metrics as follows:

  • Tons of "non-hazardous solid waste" generated; and
    • "Non-hazardous solid waste" is defined in 42 U.S.C. §?6903. For the purpose of tracking progress under this section of the EO, Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste and debris is excluded.
  • Percentage of non-hazardous solid waste sent to treatment and disposal facilities (e.g., landfills or incinerators without energy recovery).
  • Progress Milestones
  • Agencies will identify target for percentage reduction in non-hazardous solid waste and percentage reduction sent to treatment and disposal facilities in annual Sustainability Plans.

As required in 2 U.S.C. § 6961, agencies must comply with Federal as well as State, interstate, and local requirements for management and disposal of non-hazardous solid waste and hazardous waste.

Agencies should pursue cost-effective waste prevention by first reducing overall waste generated, while also pursuing strategies that reduce disposal fees and minimize environmental impacts by diverting waste from treatment and disposal facilities, including landfill and incineration without energy recovery.

Agencies should ensure that waste management service contracts have provisions for waste minimization and diversion in accordance with the Implementing Instructions for EO 13834 and that vendors report disposition to the agency, where feasible, to facilitate tracking of progress and compliance.

For tracking and reporting, Agencies are instructed to track disposition of non-hazardous solid waste, not including C&D waste and debris, and report waste generated and percentage going to treatment and disposal facilities (e.g., landfills or incinerators without energy recovery) in annual Sustainability Plans. Specifically, Agencies should include waste from buildings 10,000 GSF or greater, where the agency is directly responsible for waste disposal services for the building (e.g., through a waste management service contract), but may include waste from smaller facilities at their discretion.

Agencies should track disposition of C&D waste separately from their non-hazardous solid waste streams and, where feasible and where data is available, may report on volume and disposition of C&D waste in annual Sustainability Plans.

For help on estimating waste quantities, see the EPA's Federal Green Challenge website .

EPA resources cited below for information on estimating waste quantities, if actual data is not available. Please use the links to quickly jump to the information area needed or scroll down to view all items.

For pollution prevention guidance pertaining to motor vehicles, please see the Transportation Program Area.

For pollution prevention guidance related to electronics, see the Electronics Stewardship Program Area.

Regulations, Guidance, and Policy
The 1990 Pollution Prevention Act focused industry, government, and public attention on reducing the amount of pollution through cost-effective changes in production, operation, and raw materials use. Opportunities for source reduction are often not realized because of existing regulations, and the industrial resources required for compliance, focus on treatment and disposal. Source reduction is fundamentally different and more desirable than waste management or pollution control.
A voluntary product stewardship agreement achieved through multistakeholder dialogue. It has been signed by 7 states, the USEPA, and more than 95% of the industry. The focus of the MOU is a series of goals for reuse, recycling, and waste diversion of carpeting by 2012.
Efficient Federal Operations
17 May 2018
It is the policy of the United States that agencies shall meet such statutory requirements in a manner that increases efficiency, optimizes performance, eliminates unnecessary use of resources, and protects the environment. In implementing this policy, each agency shall prioritize actions that reduce waste, cut costs, enhance the resilience of Federal infrastructure and operations, and enable more effective accomplishment of its mission. This EO rescinds EO 13693.
These instructions issued by the Chairman of the CEQ to Federal agencies for meeting energy and environmental performance requirements in a manner that increases efficiency, optimizes performance, eliminates unnecessary use of resources, and protects the environment, as required under E.O. 13834.
In 2005, Federal agencies requested responses from the General Services Administration regarding recycling and the disposition of property under the personal property rules.
This CEQ website links to relevant U.S. codes, public laws, guidance, and resources to assist agencies in implementing E.O. 13834.
Supporting Information and Tools
Databases/Software Tools
The primary goal of AAMS is to simplify and improve internal screening of excess personal property for the federal activity. The P2 component of AAMS is the redistribution of excess personal property to authorized agency users instead of disposal.
The Construction Waste Management Database contains information on companies that haul, collect and process recyclable debris from construction projects. Created in 2002 by GSA's Environmental Strategies and Safety Division to promote responsible waste disposal, the Database is a free online service for those seeking companies that recycle construction debris in their area.
This tool quantifies the projected environmental benefits of purchasing and using "green" janitorial services and products. It is designed to forecast the environmental benefits of reducing chemical use by doing some or all pollution prevention measures typically involved in the routine interior cleaning of an office building. This tool also enables users to identify which green cleaning measures will have the greatest impact in reducing their use of hazardous chemicals and in preventing pollution. The Calculator's output applies only to standard office cleaning products and practices, and does not apply to other building maintenance issues, such as equipment maintenance, pest control, or landscaping activities.
EPA's Green Infrastructure Wizard offers you access to a repository of EPA-sourced Green Infrastructure tools and resources designed to support and promote sustainable water management and community planning decisions. The tools and resources available through GIWiz will help you analyze problems, understand management options, calculate design parameters, analyze costs and benefits, evaluate tradeoffs, engage stakeholders, and/or develop education and outreach campaigns. GIWiz is made possible through a cross-agency collaboration involving EPA's Office of Research and Development, Office of Policy, Office of Water, and Regional staff.
This is the customer interface to the Federal Disposal System (FEDS). GSAXcess® provides agencies a means of electronically reporting excess personal property to GSA. By using GSAXcess®, customers seeking property can avoid the cost of new procurements by acquiring the same or like items that have been reported as excess by another federal activity. Agencies may search GSA's worldwide inventory through a process known as screening and may request property for transfer by selecting specific items. The property system is available to three groups of users: Federal agencies; Authorized nonfederal recipients; and Surplus customers.
MWiz offers users access to a repository of EPA-sourced materials management tools and resources designed to support and promote sustainable materials management and community planning decisions. The tools and resources available through MWiz will help users analyze problems, understand management options, calculate design parameters, analyze costs and benefits, evaluate tradeoffs, engage stakeholders, and/or develop education and outreach campaigns. MWiz is made possible through a cross-agency collaboration involving EPA's Office of Research and Development, Office of Policy, Office of Land and Emergency Management, and Regional staff.
A GSA tool, MySales provides federal agencies with the ability to manage their personal property inventory. Federal agencies can report, modify, and maintain the status of their surplus and exchange/sale property reported to GSA for sale. MySales offers two user screens that allow custodians and property managers access to the status of their property that has transitioned into the GSA Sales Program.
This tool calculates the U.S. average energy and wood consumption and environmental releases summed across the full "life cycle" of each of five major grades of paper and paperboard. For a given grade, it allows the user to compare the environmental impacts of papers made with different levels of post-consumer recycled content, ranging from 0% (i.e., virgin paper) to 100%.
This Microsoft Access-based database software application contains sections for tracking program activities including: working one-on-one with clients (such as on-site visits and research); producing educational and outreach materials; sponsoring workshop/training events; responding to information requests; and managing sector-based initiatives. The database application also tracks the outcomes associated with many of these program activities, including environmental, behavioral, and economic outcomes. Because each state's pollution prevention and compliance assistance program is somewhat different in the scope of its activities and its structure, the software can be customized so the programs can use only those components and the level of detail that suit their needs. The Pollution Prevention and Assistance Tracker software is available for use by state, local, county, university-based, and tribal government entities. This software was developed with funding and support from U.S. EPA and oversight by the Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association (NEWMOA).
The intent of this software is to help companies/organizations find alternate chemical mixtures or solvents that still improve their processes but are not as harmful to our environment. The PARIS III database includes more than 4000 solvents commonly used by industry. In the search for replacements, it taps only those that have less environmental impact (greener), mixing them together in different proportions to find mixtures that perform as close as possible to the performance of those currently used by companies. The close replacement mixtures found can then be sorted to choose those mixtures that are least harmful to the environment. This solvent substitution software tool is provided by the EPA for free, and can be effective and efficiently used to help environmentally-conscious individuals find better and greener solvent mixtures for many different common industrial processes.
RETIGO is a free, web-based tool that can be used to explore environmental data that you have collected either stationary or in motion. RETIGO allows you to add data from nearby air quality and meteorological stations. RETIGO can be used by anyone to explore data that they collected, but it does not move the data from the user's computer, unless you decide to post your data to the RETIGO data repository.
This EPA tool supports nationwide diversion of excess food from landfills. The interactive map identifies and displays facility-specific information about potential generators and recipients of excess food in the industrial, commercial and institutional sectors and also provides estimates of excess food by generator type. The map can help users identify potential sources of food for rescue; potential feedstocks for compost and anaerobic digestion; potential infrastructure gaps for managing excess food; and, alternatives to sending food to landfill.
This site is devoted to current and prospective federal government users of biobased products. It includes the Biobased Products Best Practices Guide, product information, and profiles of federal agencies who are successfully using biobased products.
This handbook provides an overview of the federal hazardous waste regulations and helps small-business owners and operators understand how best to comply with federal hazardous waste management regulations. It was updated in October 2019 to incorporate new requirements from the 2016 Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements Rule, the 2018 e-Manifest Rule, the 2019 Hazardous Waste Pharmaceuticals Rule, and other recent rulemakings.
A monthly newsletter from the US EPA with information about activities and events that everyone can use to make a difference in their homes, communities, and offices.
This is an online newsletter published by the Water Environment Federation (WEF) that highlights the latest in stormwater industry news. The three sections of the newsletter -- news, features, and events -- cover advanced practices, local programs, and case studies as well as policy updates, grant opportunities, and financing options. The newsletter also spotlights cutting-edge research in addition to industry tools and reports. Articles are published throughout the month on The Stormwater Report website and are distributed by email as a monthly digest to about 30,000 stormwater professionals.
This tool, funded by EPA, provides information on beneficial use options for industrial byproducts. Some of the byproducts addressed include: construction and demolition debris, chicken manure, scrap tires, drinking water treatment wastes, and coal ash. The portal also contains information on state beneficial use programs.
Helps users to identify available recycling services in their state and city for items such as: plastics (i.e., packing peanuts, bags, containers); paper (i.e., books, newspaper, drink boxes, chipboard, cartons); paint products; organic material (i.e., brush, grass clippings, tree trimmings, weeds, soil); metal (i.e., aerosol cans, vehicles, appliances, cans, foil, hangers, propane tanks); glass; batteries (i.e., vehicle, NiCad, rechargeable); construction and demolition materials (i.e., asphalt, flooring, ceiling tiles, carpet padding, concrete, windows, stone, linoleum, porcelain products, brick); and miscellaneous items such as mattresses, furniture, cooking oils/grease, fluorescent bulbs, and medical equipment.
An electronic information exchange that specializes in the trade of recyclables reclaimed in Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) streams, as well as the marketing of eco-friendly products.
The P2RIC InfoHouse is a searchable online collection of more than 50,000 pollution prevention (P2) related publications, fact sheets, case studies and technical reports. P2RIC is operated by The Nebraska Business Development Center at the University of Nebraska at Omaha and is a member of the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange, a national network of regional information centers. They receive funding from Environmental Protection Agency of the US.
A consortium of eight regional pollution prevention information centers, funded in part through grants from EPA. These centers all provide pollution prevention information, networking opportunities and other services to States, local governments and technical assistance providers in their region. The centers represent a broad constituency, including state and local pollution prevention programs, manufacturing extension partnerships, cooperative extension and nonprofit organizations.
ARRA's mission is to develop new programs, strategies and funding not only to improve the technological side of the industry but to increase the market share for recycled asphalt, as compared to other types of maintenance, preservation, and rehabilitation options. The membership list is searchable to help in identifying asphalt recyclers/reclaimers close to home.
The ALMR is an educational and informational resource to government agencies, municipal authorities, industries and other business entities, universal waste handlers, generators, environmental groups and industry trade organizations. Tools developed include CD-Rom training on recycling mercury-containing lamps
Beyond Pesticides is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization which advocates safe, healthy, LIVING lawns and landscapes with the use of organic and least toxic practices and products that nurture healthy lawns and landscapes and protect the health of children, families, pets, wildlife and the environment from unnecessary exposure to toxic pesticides.
The Institute is a multi-stakeholder association of key individuals and groups from government, industry and academia, which promotes the use, and recycling of biodegradable polymeric materials (via composting). The BPI is open to any materials and products that demonstrate that they meet the requirements in ASTM D6499 or D6868, based on testing in a approved laboratory. The Compostable Logo can be awarded to any product which meet the requirements in ASTM D6400 or D6868, specifications based on more than 8 years of research by suppliers, composters and academia. Currently the logo has been awarded to a variety of compostable bags and films, food service items, and resins.
A not-for-profit, product stewardship organization that promotes and facilitates the recycling of batteries. Enter a zip code and locate your nearest Call2Recycle affiliate and learn the options for recycling all types of rechargeable batteries, single-use batteries, damaged or recalled batteries, and cell phones.
The Center helps Americans consume responsibly to protect the environment, enhance quality of life, and promote social justice. It is a coalition of educational organizations, environmental organizations, citizen groups, the National Resources Defense Council, Consumer Federation of America, the Public Utility Law Project, and the Environmental Protection Agency. It addresses issues such as institutional purchasing, development of more sustainable products, living sustainably, and buying wisely.
The Center for Clean Products and Clean Technologies (CCPCT) at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, has a mission to develop, evaluate, and promote cleaner products and cleaner technologies that minimize pollution at the source and contribute to long-term sustainable development.
EPA encourages all electronics recyclers to become certified by demonstrating to an accredited, independent third-party auditor that they meet specific standards to safely recycle and manage electronics. Currently two accredited certification standards exist: the Responsible Recycling ("R2") Standard for Electronics Recyclers and the e-Stewards® Standard for Responsible Recycling and Reuse of Electronic Equipment© ("e-Stewards®"). This website provides links to maps and lists of certified electronics recyclers.
CDRA promotes and defends the environmentally sound recycling of the more than 325 million tons of recoverable construction and demolition (C&D) materials that are generated in the United States annually. These materials include aggregates such as concrete, asphalt, asphalt shingles, gypsum wallboard, wood and metals.
Members of ECCO are dedicated to improving the quality of the environment by working to increase awareness of the environmental aspects and benefits of concrete and concrete products.
This network is a grassroots movement of people who are giving (& getting) stuff for free in their own towns. The Network provides individuals and non-profits an electronic forum to "recycle" unwanted items. Each local group is run by a local volunteer moderator. Membership is free. The website will enable you to identify your local group.
The mission of the Green Press Initiative is to work with book and newspaper industry stakeholders to conserve natural resources, preserve endangered forests, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and minimize impacts on indigenous communities. GPI is funded primarily through grant foundations.
Green Seal is an independent, non-profit organization that strives to achieve a healthier and cleaner environment by identifying and promoting products and services that cause less toxic pollution and waste, conserve resources and habitats, and minimize global warming and ozone depletion. Green Seal has no financial interest in the products that it certifies or recommends nor in any manufacturer or company. Green Seal's evaluations are based on state-of-the-art science and information using internationally recognized methods and procedures.
This site helps government customers meet buying green requirements when procuring products, services, and vehicles.
HERC provides pollution prevention and compliance assistance information for the healthcare sector. Areas of focus include hazardous materials, regulated medical waste, waste reduction, facilities and equipment, and regulations and standards.
An international coalition of hospitals and health care systems, medical professionals, community groups, health-affected constituencies, labor unions, environmental and environmental health organizations and religious groups. Their mission is to transform the health care sector worldwide, without compromising patient safety or care, so that it is ecologically sustainable and no longer a source of harm to public health and the environment.
The NCER is dedicated to the enhancement of the national infrastructure for recycling used electronics under the direction of an Industry Advisory Committee of manufacturers who are the leaders in the environmental field.
NSWMA is a trade association representing for-profit companies in North America that provide solid, hazardous and medical waste collection, recycling and disposal services, and companies that provide professional and consulting services to the waste services industry. NSWMA's mission statement is to promote the management of waste in a manner that is environmentally responsible, efficient, profitable and ethical, while benefiting the public and protecting employees.
NERC's mission is to leverage the strengths and resources of its member states to advance an environmentally sustainable economy in the Northeast by promoting source reduction, recycling, and the purchasing of environmentally preferable products and services. Specifically, the site provides links to state recycling organizations in the northeast.
This EPA website lists organizations with available resources and services related to reducing, reducing, and recycling C&D Materials. Types of organizations include: trade associations, research and education organizations, and buyers/sellers of reusable and recyclable commodities.
The Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center provides free and well-researched answers to specific questions about pollution prevention through its Rapid Response site. They provide thorough and unbiased answers to help you make decisions. They offer a staff of seasoned problem solvers with diverse expertise in manufacturing processes, chemical engineering, energy efficiency, and many other fields. If they can't answer your question, they will point you to the contacts or resources that can.
PCRC is maintained by the National Center for Manufacturing Sciences (NCMS). The PCRC is one of the Compliance Assistance Centers developed by industry-government partnerships, with support from EPA's Office of Compliance.
This organization specifically addresses pollution prevent opportunities for institutions in the healthcare community that have made a commitment to sustainable, eco-friendly practices. Members include hospitals, healthcare systems, businesses and other stakeholders engaged in the greening of healthcare to improve the health of patients, staff and the environment.
This site is a showcase for recycle-content products. RecycleStore showcases innovative recycled-content products and puts you in touch directly with their manufacturers.
It is the mission of SERDC to unite industry, government and non-government organizations to promote sustainable recycling in the Southeast.
The mission of the Sustainable Green Printing Partnership is to encourage and promote participation in the worldwide movement to reduce environmental impact and increase social responsibility of the print and graphic communications industry through sustainable green printing practices. SGP Partnership recognizes the following sustainable business practices as guiding principles to ensure continued viability and growth: (1) Employ, wherever and whenever possible, materials derived from renewable resources or with low environmental impact, maximizing recycling and recovery efforts with efficient utilization of renewable energy; (2) Encourage the adoption of changes within the supply chain by strongly recommending the use of raw materials that do not threaten or harm future generations; and (3) Educate the customer and ultimate consumer regarding the benefits of a restorative economy. Printers can be listed as a certified SGP Printer by meeting a set of criteria to establish performance standards. Certified SGP printers can be identified through the SGP website.
The USCC (Council) is a non profit national organization that directs the Composting Council Research and Education Foundation (CCREF), which administers public and private research and education grant activities. The USCC is dedicated to the development, expansion and promotion of the composting industry based upon science, principles of sustainability, and economic viability.
FPL’s research scientists are looking at ways to promote clean water, better homes, improved recycling processes, and healthier forests. Research concentrates on pulp and paper products, housing and structural uses of wood, wood preservation, wood and fungi identification, and finishing and restoration of wood products. In addition to traditional lines of research, FPL is responding to environmental pressures on the forest resource by using cutting-edge techniques to study recycling, develop environmentally friendly technology, and understand ecosystem-based forest management.
This is a non-profit organization whose mission is to advance the beneficial and efficient use of water resources through education, sound science, and technology using reclamation, recycling, reuse and desalination for the benefit of our members, the public, and the environment.
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Lessons Learned
Award Winners
FGC awards are given in two categories - data driven and narrative. Data driven awards are in the wares of Waste, Electronics, and Purchasing, Water, and Transportation. Narrative Awards are given in the categories of Innovation, Education and Outreach, and Leadership.
Case Studies
This Public Work Technical Bulletin (PWTB) 200-1-40, dated 31 July 2006, provides guidance based on experiences of recovering, reusing, and recycling building materials typically disposed of as demolition waste on Army installations. It will assist in implementing practices to reduce the amount of demolition debris generated by the removal of surplus buildings.
This Public Work Technical Bulletin (PWTB) 200-1-45, dated 1 February 2007, provides case studies and lessons learned on the deconstruction of excess or surplus buildings at seven Army installations.
This guide provides information about green infrastructure as an integral component of sustainable communities primarily because they can help communities protect the environment and human health while providing other social and economic benefits, allowing communities to achieve more for their money.
The P2 case studies featured on this website can help identify methods and ideas for implementing P2 initiatives across different industries. Database can be searched by keyword, title, year, sector, and process used in achieving results.
Compiled by the University of Northern Iowa, Iowa Waste Reduction Center, this is a collection of studies examining how food waste is being handled in Iowa. The Iowa Waste Reduction Center met with many businesses and organizations throughout Iowa who are focusing on food waste through many methods - including reduction programs and repurposing. Repurposing through creating compost, biodigestion, and even getting food that is still edible to the hungry. Covering many recovery options, these case studies can serve as a great basis of what can work and how to achieve results.
In this June 2018 study GSA compares 100 GSA high-performance buildings to 100 GSA legacy stock buildings looking at actual performance data in five key metrics from the last three years. The comparison found that high-performance buildings save energy, save water, cost less to operate, produce less waste, and have more satisfied occupants compared with typical buildings.
This life-cycle assessment (LCA) evaluated the potential environmental impacts of selected lead-free solders as alternatives to tin-lead solder. This LCA assessed impacts related to material consumption, energy use, air resources, water resources, landfills, human toxicity, and ecological toxicity. The partnership also investigated leachability and recycling of solders at the end of their lives. The solders evaluated were: tin/lead, tin/copper, tin/silver/copper, bismuth/tin/silver, tin/silver/bismuth/copper.
The Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Program collects information to track industry progress in reducing waste generation and moving towards safer waste management alternatives. These tools and resources can help identify effective environmental practices and highlighting pollution prevention successes. Use the TRI Pollution Prevention Search to learn how facilities have reduced releases of toxic chemicals to the environment and compare how different facilities have managed their toxic chemical waste. Database can be searched by industry sector, chemical, geography or parent company, and compare environmental performance.
An EPA technology fact sheet.
Grounds Maintenance Pollution Prevention
This EPA website describes composting options and the considerations involved for each option.
This brochure was developed for homeowners and is a joint effort of the EPA Office of Solid Waste, Office of Water and Office of Pesticide Programs. The brochure addresses how to plant right for the site, conserve water, reduce yard waste, and use pesticides wisely.
EPA designated landscaping products such as mulch, hoses, and edging under the Comprehensive Procurement Guideline (CPG) program to promote the use of materials recovered from municipal solid waste (MSW). Recycled-content recommendations for each item are listed on the website.
Household Pollution Prevention
This site offers information to help you choose a cleaner burning hearth appliance (e.g., gas or wood stove) and use it efficiently and safely. Roughly six percent of all fine particle pollution (PM 2.5) in the United States comes from wood smoke. In some areas where woodstove use is high, wood smoke can account for a greater share of PM 2.5. Replacing older wood stoves with EPA-certified stoves can reduce wood smoke -- by 70 percent on average.
The Janitorial Products P2 Project ("JP4") is producing a series of fact sheets on environmental, health, and safety issues. The fact sheets are meant for individual janitorial workers, supervisors, and EH&S staff. Fact sheets address toilet cleaning, hard floor care, carpet care, restroom cleaning, glass cleaning, metal cleaning, and disinfectants.
Lamprecycle.org is a resource for any light bulb ("lamp") user seeking details on recycling spent mercury-containing lamps, but is particularly useful for facilities managers, MRO (maintenance, repair and operations) personnel, commercial or residential property managers, environmental programs managers, lamp distributors, and government/regulatory employees for commercial or office buildings, hospitals, warehouses, military bases, manufacturing plants and retail stores.
This EPA website provides waste reduction tips for home, work, travel, in your community, and during holidays and events.
A voluntary program to promote environmentally responsible disposal of these household appliances, which will significantly reduce emissions as well as save consumers money. As part of the Program, EPA serves as a technical clearinghouse on responsible appliance disposal program development and implementation.
Medical Facilities Pollution Prevention
This page includes best management practices for health care facilities, medical waste disposal, and dental offices.
HERC provides pollution prevention and compliance assistance information for the healthcare sector. Areas of focus include hazardous materials, regulated medical waste, waste reduction, facilities and equipment, and regulations and standards.
This EPA website includes best management practices for health care facilities, medical waste disposal, and dental offices.
Identifies where mercury is found in hospitals, how it be eliminated and cost savings. Explains why mercury should be eliminated.
Sponsored by the Healthcare Environmental Resource Center, the site addresses pollution prevention issues specific to medical facilities such as: mercury reduction, alternative sterilants and disinfectants, integrated pest management, alternative cleaning chemicals, laboratory chemical alternatives, mercury-free alternatives, water conservation, and energy conservation.
This study was funded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and was aimed at developing an integrated pollution prevention and occupational safety and health intervention assessment strategy for hospitals. The article discusses possible changes, results of changes, and how long it took to successfully implement changes. For example, formaldehyde replacement required six months to complete, while conventional mopping replacement required six weeks. Other changes discussed included: replacement of xylene, mercury reduction, digital radiology imaging, as well as processes and procedures (Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, Volume - v3, Issue 4 April 2006 , pages 182 – 193).
Enables the user to identify alternative products, review case studies and fact sheets prior to purchasing items such as sterilants, disinfectants, thermometers, plastic products, laboratory chemicals etc.
Welcome to shinglerecycling.org, an online resource for those interested in recycling asphalt shingles.
This EPA website provides guidance on how builders, construction teams and design practitioners can divert C&D materials from disposal by buying used and recycled products, practice source reduction, preserve existing structures, and salvage and reuse existing materials.
CRTs are the video display components of televisions and computer monitors. The glass in CRTs typically contains enough lead to require managing it as hazardous waste under certain circumstances. EPA has provided conditional exclusions from the federal hazardous waste management standards for CRTs and CRT glass destined for recycling.
DSCR offers re-refined motor oil in two distinct ways. The Closed Loop program includes delivery of re-refined oil and pick-up of used oil up to 120% of the amount of oil purchased for the same price. Used oil in excess of 120% of that which was purchased under the program may be removed for a fee of $.20 per gallon. Totals will be calculated on a yearly basis. Closed Loop service is limited to the continental United States (CONUS.) The Basic program consists of standard one-way delivery of re-refined motor oil to any location worldwide, including CONUS. POC is Pirom Srinual, (804) 279-2425, Pirom.Srinual@dla.mil.
Helps users to identify available recycling services in their state and city for items such as: plastics (i.e., packing peanuts, bags, containers); paper (i.e., books, newspaper, drink boxes, chipboard, cartons); paint products; organic material (i.e., brush, grass clippings, tree trimmings, weeds, soil); metal (i.e., aerosol cans, vehicles, appliances, cans, foil, hangers, propane tanks); glass; batteries (i.e., vehicle, NiCad, rechargeable); construction and demolition materials (i.e., asphalt, flooring, ceiling tiles, carpet padding, concrete, windows, stone, linoleum, porcelain products, brick); and miscellaneous items such as mattresses, furniture, cooking oils/grease, fluorescent bulbs, and medical equipment.
The site contains information on the processing of gypsum drywall, recycling gypsum drywall at the construction site, permitting issues, and case studies on the effectiveness of recycling gypsum drywall.
Lamprecycle.org is a resource for any light bulb ("lamp") user seeking details on recycling spent mercury-containing lamps, but is particularly useful for facilities managers, MRO (maintenance, repair and operations) personnel, commercial or residential property managers, environmental programs managers, lamp distributors, and government/regulatory employees for commercial or office buildings, hospitals, warehouses, military bases, manufacturing plants and retail stores.
Hosted by the American Chemistry Council, this site is designed to lend a better understanding concerning how plastics are made, the different types of plastic and their numerous properties and applications.
The Guidance Manual for Paint Reuse Programs, dated January 2007, was developed by the Paint Product Stewardship Initiative (PPSI). The purpose of this manual is to provide interested stakeholders with the resources necessary to establish a successful paint reuse program and to provide existing reuse programs with best practices for more effective operations. The manual outlines various program models along with benefits and perceived barriers to starting reuse programs; highlights successful programs already in place; describes the factors that must be considered when starting a reuse program; and links the user to more detailed resources for particular programs.
EPA's Headquarters maintains a standardized recycling collection program for its 8,500 employees located in more than 10 buildings in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. EPA's manual covers all of the details involved in maintaining a consistent and comprehensive office recycling program, and can serve as a model for other agencies.
Sponsored by the Steel Recycling Institute (SRI), this site addresses cans, cars, appliances, construction, and buying recycled steel. It includes a steel recycling locator.
This toolkit, developed by Product Stewardship Institute (PSI) with EPA funding, was originally developed for colleges, universities and other institutions around the country to minimize plastic waste and reduce the amount of marine debris polluting the planet's oceans and waterways. The concepts and ideas can be easily implemented in any institutional/organizational setting.
A nationwide recycling program that collects used Tyvek(r) envelopes - even printed Tyvek(r) envelopes - and recycles them into other useful materials that provide sound alternatives to the use of wood, including park benches, playground equipment, etc is operated by DuPont.
USPS BlueEarth is a group of federal recycling programs coordinated by the US Postal Service® to support sustainability initiatives that make it easy for federal agencies and their employees to properly dispose of items like empty ink cartridges and unwanted small electronics.
UNICOR operates a nationwide network of electronics recycling centers where they convert donated electronics into various recyclable materials for resale to registered vendors. Help reduce landfill congestion, make the environment cleaner, and provide valuable skills and experience to reduce inmate recidivism.
The Computers For Learning (CFL) program evolved as a guide for implementing Executive Order 12999, Educational Technology: Ensuring Opportunity for all Children in the Next Century. The CFL website enables schools and educational nonprofit organizations to obtain excess computer equipment from federal agencies.Federal agencies can report their excess computers and related peripheral equipment to GSA through the GSAXcess® website. Eligible recipients can view and request the available federal excess property at the CFL website.
The Federal Electronics Challenge offers information on reuse, donation, recycling, and disposal of electronic equipment.
Waste Reduction
This EPA guide and toolkit provides behavior change and outreach tools designed to assist individuals and households to implement strategies to reduce wasted food.
A voluntary program to promote environmentally responsible disposal of these household appliances, which will significantly reduce emissions as well as save consumers money. As part of the Program, EPA serves as a technical clearinghouse on responsible appliance disposal program development and implementation.
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Training, Presentations, and Briefings
First presented in October 2011, this webinar is sponsored by the U.S. Composting Council. This webinar looks at three important aspects of incorporating food wastes: 1) acquisition, where will the food come from and how will it get there; 2) operations, what are the Best Management Practices for handling the food scraps and what changes to the facility site, equipment and operations will be needed, and 3) impact mitigation, how to prevent and address potential negative air and water impacts.
First presented in July 2011, this webinar is sponsored by the U.S. Composting Council. This webinar will explain what compostable plastics are (and are not), where they are being successfully used, and examine some of the key challenges, such as identification and labeling, certification and standards, infrastructure development and consumer education.
The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invite waste management industry members that handle lithium batteries (battery and electronics refurbishers and recyclers, household hazardous and solid waste programs) and other related businesses, such as certification program auditors, to participate in free three-hour workshops. Participants will learn how to prevent, reduce or eliminate risks of fire or explosions from the improper packaging, marking, labeling, or recycling of lithium batteries.
This webcast series is for public officials and practitioners beginning to implement green infrastructure, as well as for those looking to enhance established programs. Initiated in 2014, the Series has featured leading academics and professionals from around the country sharing their expertise on a range of topics related to green infrastructure.
While green infrastructure can help communities manage stormwater, using vegetated systems like green roofs and tree barriers can also help improve air quality and reduce urban heat island effects. These practices shade building surfaces, deflect radiation from the sun, and release moisture into the atmosphere. Additionally, natural features such as urban forests and vegetative barriers planted near roads, parking lots, and city centers, help reduce the impact of vehicle emissions and improve local air quality. Green infrastructure can assist in the reduction of particulate pollution and ground-level ozone as well as provide public health benefits. In this webcast, speakers from EPA's Office of Research and Development and Office of Atmospheric Programs discussed innovative research into the multiple benefits of green infrastructure and explore the nexus between green infrastrucutre and air quality. This webinar was originally presented on August 9, 2017.
This presentation available will outline why federal food purchasing matters, how to include food recovery into strategic planning and food service contracts and leases, and provide examples of how federal and concessioner partnerships successfully contribute to food recovery.
Attendees will learn the essentials of how to successfully maintain an existing Pavement Management System, or implement a new system from scratch within their agency. After completing the course, attendees will also be able to make informed decisions to distinguish the differences between the various in-place asphalt recycling choices available (HIR, CIR, FDR) and pavement preservation strategies while learning how to implement an effective cost saving recycling program that stretches their agency s annual budget further. There is also a hands-on field component of this course that will give participants experience using the latest tools and software. This course is offered by the Northwest Environmental Training Center and is course number RDW-301.
Presented in April 2006, this presentation by Deb Hanlon of the EPA Office of Solid Waste, addresses recycling opportunities for Federal agencies.
Trees have many important functions within the urban environment including air quality improvement, wildlife habitat, and mitigation of the heat island effect; however, their contribution to green infrastructure, such as bioretention, is not well understood. There is a critical need to understand the health and role of trees in these systems to enable urban foresters and engineers to select the most appropriate plant material to maximize functionality of natural stormwater treatment systems. Though laboratory and field studies, the goal of this project was to demonstrate the role of trees in bioretention areas, and to make recommendations regarding system design and tree species selection to maximize both bioretention area functionality and tree health.
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Last Updated: August 31, 2020