Setting Out on the Digital Preservation Path as a Library of Congress Junior Fellow

This is a guest post by Madeline Sheldon, a 2013 Junior Fellow working with NDIIPP.

I am currently working towards a Master of Science in Information from the University of Michigan School of Information, with a specialization in Library and Information Science. In the past, I held library positions, which included working in reference services, managing the collections of two Federal Depository Libraries and conducting archival research, all of which gave me valuable customer service skills and project management experience.

Madeline Shelton, 2013 NDIIPP Junior Fellow

Madeline Sheldon, 2013 NDIIPP Junior Fellow

My interest in digital preservation began after completing an internship with a university-sponsored digital initiatives program, where I learned to digitize analog material. At that time, I had little experience or knowledge of proper digitization or preservation practices, but my enthusiasm for my assignment led my supervisor to take me under their wing. I am so grateful to this influential mentor, because their passion for their own work sparked my interest in the emerging field and led me down my current path of study.

To better understand digital preservation, I took courses which I thought would strengthen my understanding and expertise with the preservation of digital images, management of electronic records and web archiving. While taking these courses, I further deepened my passion for the preservation of digital information, and simultaneously became a strong advocate for the careful planning and preparation of preservation policies and contingency plans produced by digital repositories.

I used the knowledge and resources gained from my courses to use in various work and school-related projects. In one instance, I worked with a group of colleges to evaluate and analyze the records management practices of an office that dealt primarily with the creation and storage of electronic records. Because of my research and training, I felt confident that I could offer beneficial recommendations, which would not only assist with the organization’s future preservation efforts, but also add trustworthiness and legitimacy to their record keeping practices.

This summer, while working as an intern for NDIIPP, I will build upon previous Junior Fellow efforts, continuing with an ongoing digital stewardship research project. One of my main assignments will focus on finding new or recently revised preservation policies, strategies, and/or plans from cultural heritage institutions. Once gathered, I will analyze their content and generate a report of my findings for the library.

I will also contribute to this blog, which will provide updates about my progress and highlight noteworthy articles that I find as I conduct my research. I am honored to have been selected by NDIIPP and look forward to collaborating with their staff to provide useful tools and insights that will accelerate the advancements of digital stewardship for future generations.

Digital Preservation Pioneer: Clifford Lynch

Clifford Lynch is widely regarded as an oracle in the culture of networked information. Lynch monitors the global information ecosystem for cultural trends and technological developments. He ponders their variables, interdependencies and influencing factors. He confers with colleagues and draws conclusions. Then he reports his observations through lectures, conference presentations and writings. People who know …

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CURATEcamp Exhibition: Exhibition in and of the Digital Age

Alongside this year’s Digital Preservation 2013 meeting, I am excited to announce that we will also be playing host to a CURATEcamp unconference focused on exploring the idea of exhibition. For those unfamiliar with unconferences, the key idea is that the participants define the agenda and that there are no spectators, everyone who comes should plan …

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What are We Going to do About Hardware?

On May 20-21, 2013, the Library of Congress hosted one in its series of small invitational digital content at-risk summits, this one on the topic of software preservation. “Preserving.exe: Toward a National Strategy for Preserving Software” covered a wide range of topics around software preservation, every type of software and interactive media art and engaged multiple …

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Explore Innovative Ideas Across the Digital Information Landscape at Digital Preservation 2013

We like to think (and hope) that our blog The Signal acts as an informative resource from which to learn and engage in conversations of digital preservation work.  We hope that it exposes you to interesting projects and people stewarding digital collections, and that it creates opportunities to expose you to the wider community of …

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IIPC @10

Late in April, in Ljubljana, Slovenia, the International Internet Preservation Consortium gathered for its annual General Assembly. This year is the 10th anniversary of the organization, and we marked the milestone by reflecting on our past accomplishments and thinking about how the members could work together to make positive and lasting impacts on the field of …

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What Do Researchers Want From Institutions that Preserve Digital Content?

A smart-alecky way to answer the question in the title above would be: “why everything, of course.”  But we don’t traffic in snark here, at least not intentionally. User expectations influence so much of what stewardship organizations do. We collect and preserve all content primarily to support use, but the issue is especially important in …

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Reality Check: What Most People Actually Do with Their Personal Digital Archives

While Noah Lenstra was working on a website about African-American history in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, many of the people he met at local public libraries, churches and businesses told him they had personal and family memorabilia they wanted to digitize, or they had digital stuff that they didn’t know what to do with. Lenstra, a PhD student …

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