49 projects available for review in the PGDI Display

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Pediatric cancer is a genetic disease that can largely differ from similar malignancies in an adult population. To fuel new discoveries and treatments specific to pediatric oncologies, the NCI Office of Cancer Genomics has developed a dynamic resource known as the Pediatric Genomic Data Inventory to allow investigators to more easily locate genomic datasets. This resource lists known ongoing and completed sequencing projects of pediatric cancer cohorts from the United States and other countries, along with some basic details and reference metadata.

This inventory is an evolving list that will be continually updated as new information is deposited by the research community. The success of this resource requires ongoing participation from the research community, and feedback is both welcomed and encouraged. To get involved and deposit information about a pediatric cancer sequencing cohort or project, click the link below to become a data submitter.

How to Submit

To become a data contributor to the Pediatric Genomic Data Inventory (PGDI), create a secure submitter account through the PGDI Contributor Application. Once approved, you will receive an email with information regarding your account and login instructions. Approved applicants will be able to login and complete the form registering a new pediatric cancer sequencing project. Approved applicants can also edit their submitted information at any time. Submitters will have the option to submit information in via an interactive form or by uploading a tab-delimited file. Submitted information will be sent to a PGDI moderator within NCI to review and approve for completeness and formatting prior to posting. For detailed instructions on how to register a new pediatric cancer sequencing project, click the Instructions for Contributors link.

Search the PGDI

To search through the inventory, please view the PGDI Display.

Last updated: November 21, 2018