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Employee Search
Information Center
National Offices and Programs
Phone Directory
Regional Offices

US Forest Service
1400 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, D.C.

(800) 832-1355

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Safety & Occupational Health - National Points of Contact

You are here: Safety & Occupational Health > National Points of Contact

Also see Regional and Research & Development Safety & Occupational Health Contacts

Washington Office, Business Operations
Office of Safety & Occupational Health

Director, Doug Parrish
Office of Safety and Occupational Health

Safety & Occupational Health Manager, Roger Pigeon

Safety & Occupational Health Manager, Patrick Morris

Safety & Occupational Health Manager, Humberto Marchese

eSafety Administrator, Karen Vanzo

Employee Assistance Program / Wellness, Wendy Veney

Job Corps Centers Safety Manager

Job Corps Centers
Safety and Occupational Health Manager (Acting), Eric Bracken  

Law Enforcement Safety Liaison

Safety Liaison, Pat Henderson
Law Enforcement and Investigations

Albuquerque Service Center

Budget and Finance Safety and Occupational Health Manager, James Jaffe


HRM Safety and Occupational Health Manager, Michael Whaley

Chief, Information Office Safety Manager

HRM Collateral Duty Safety Officer, Michael Whaley

Missoula Technology and Development Center, Safety

Missoula Technology and Development Center (MTDC), Mark Vosburgh

Region/Station Safety Managers:
R1, Linda Donner linda.donner@usda.gov
R2, Sandra Bearden sandra.j.bearden@usda.gov
R3, Shelly Pacheco shelly.pacheco@usda.gov
R4, Randy Draeger randy.draeger@usda.gov
R5, Jeffrey Bradshaw, jeffrey.bradshaw@usda.gov
R6, Lisa Spahr, lisa.spahr@usda.gov
R8, Mark Eaton, maeaton@fs.fed.us
R9, Arley Paulus arley.paulus@usda.gov
R10, Dan Logan daniel.m.logan@usda.gov
PNW, Tammy Verhunc tverhunc@usda.gov
PSW (Acting), Randy Meyer randy.meyer@usda.gov
RMRS, Leif Kuno, leif.kuno@usda.gov
Enterprise Team, Mark McFall mark.mcfall@usda.gov
SRS, Charlie Gay charlie.gay@usda.gov
IITF-R12, Carlos D. Rodríguez carlos.rodriguez4@usda.gov
FPL, Paul Gallup pgallup@usda.gov

US Forest Service
Last modified August 03, 2020

[graphic] USDA logo, which links to the department's national site. [graphic] Forest Service logo, which links to the agency's national site. [graphic] A link to the US Forest Service home page.