Energy Management Case Studies

50001 Ready logoAn ISO 50001 energy management system (EnMS) produces energy savings that directly impact the bottom line and endure over time. View case studies (below), see business case, or watch videos and webinars for insights on EnMS implementation and the significant energy cost savings achieved. 
SEP 50001 logo

50001 Ready Utilities and Implementers




Leidos incorporates 50001 Ready principles into their existing SEM program’s architecture. (September 2019)


Strategic Energy Group is DOE's first featured case study highlighting utilities and implementers incorporating 50001 Ready's suite of tools into their program offerings. (August 2019)


50001 Ready Facility Showcase Projects

ArcelorMittal’s integrated steel manufacturing plant in Cleveland, Ohio, re-attested to 50001 Ready, one year after initially earning 50001 Ready recognition. (August 2019)

Charter Steel’s fully integrated mini mill at its headquarters in Saukville, Wisconsin and its processing and distribution facility in Fostoria, Ohio both achieved the 50001 Ready designation. (June 2019)


The Clarios Meadowbrook Lithium Ion facility obtained 50001 Ready recognition in August 2019.

Comau's Novi, MI facility was recognized by DOE as the first facility under a corporate ISO 50001 certification to achieve 50001 Ready. (March 2018)

Four Seasons Produce, Inc., was recognized by DOE as the first U.S. 50001 Ready facility by implementing a continuous improvement-based energy management system at its 266,000-square foot fruit and vegetable refrigerated warehouse facility in Ephrata, Pennsylvania. (July 2017)

Foremost logo

The Foremost Farms Plover facility obtained 50001 Ready recognition in July 2019 and has surpassed their 2.5% energy reduction goals by 20%.



The Neenah Inc. Whiting, WI paper mill attained 50001 Ready and enhanced its ongoing efforts to streamline daily operations at the mill, reduced its energy footprint, and capitalized on utility incentives to save energy. (October 2018)



Nissan North America leverages 50001 Ready at its three US-based facilities to train new staff and to help suppliers establish a cost-effective energy management system to expand savings. (April 2018)


ORNL logo Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), the largest of DOE's open science laboratories, attained 50001 Ready status across 65 buildings under the Facilities Management Division in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. (August 2019)


The Oregon Department of Corrections is the first agency of its type to earn 50001 Ready recognition from the U.S. Department of Energy. (February 2020)






Quad logo

The Phillips-Medisize Menomonie-Red Cedar facility – which employs about 250 people and covers approximately 77,000 square feet – achieved 50001 Ready status in November 2018. (May 2019)


Polaris Industries' Huntsville plant, the newest and largest of the Polaris’ ten U.S. manufacturing facilities, achieved 50001 Ready status in March 2019. (June 2019)


Quad’s West Allis facility, with more than 700 staff members handling press room, printing, finishing, binding, maintenance, storage, and distribution operations, achieved 50001 Ready in February 2019. (June 2019)


Tarkett logo

Tarkett USA’s 81,000-square-foot Florence East facility in Alabama earned official recognition from the U.S. Department of Energy as a 50001 Ready facility in January 2019. (March 2019)

TVA logo Tennessee Valley Authority's (TVA’s) Magnolia plant, which includes 45 buildings and extensive outside equipment, obtained 50001 Ready recognition in January 2020.
logo The Tronox manufacturing operation in Hamilton, Mississippi, which employs approximately 425 people and produces about 225,000 metric tons of high-quality titanium dioxide pigments annually, achieved 50001 Ready recognition from the U.S. DOE. (April 2019)


ISO 50001 Certified Organizations

3M logo

3M facilities using ISO 50001 and SEP outpace other 3M facilities, with improvements 60% greater than 3M average, five U.S. sites featured. (May 2017) 


Cummins logo

Cummins implemented an ISO 50001 EnMS in 9 sites using a corporate enterprise approach, with total annual savings of $3,541,365. Several sites were also certified to SEP. (May 2016) 


FCA Group logo

FCA Group’s U.S. Dundee Engine Plant saved $690,000 in energy costs in two years. (May 2017)


Google used ISO 50001 in 13 large data centers in six countries achieve major savings. (May 2018)


Hilton’s 5,100 properties across 103 countries are ISO 50001 certified, with several also certified to SEP, saving the company $783.7 million in 8 years. (May 2018)


IBM logo

IBM successfully earned a single worldwide registration of its EnMS against the ISO 50001 standard in 2012. (May 2017) 


Schneider Electric logo

Schneider Electric’s twenty ISO 50001 certified sites (and X SEP certified sites) have nearly double the savings as non-certified sites over 4 years (May 2016) 


SEP Certified Organizations

3M used the enterprise-wide approach to certify six facilities, saving $3.6 million. (May 2017) 

Cummins logo

Cummins concurrently certified three more U.S. facilities and saved $4.1 million. (May 2017) 

Cummins logo

Cummins’ Rocky Mount Engine Plant (RMEP) in North Carolina is saving over $700,000 annually (May 2017) 

Detroit Diesel logo

Detroit Diesel’s facility improved energy performance by nearly 33% over 10 years.


Curtiss-Wright logo


EMD, a business unit of the EMS Division of Curtiss-Wright, saves $300,000 with ISO 50001 and SEP (May 2016) 




HARBEC, Inc., a specialty plastics manufacturing plant in New York is saving $52,000 annually with no capital investment. (May 2017) 


Marriott logo

JW Marriott in Washington, DC saves $471,891 in 3 years at one site with ISO 50001 and SEP. (May 2018)


MedImmune logo

MedImmune, the global biologics research and development arm of AstraZeneca, improved energy performance at its Maryland facility by 8.5% (May 2017) 



Nissan’s Smyrna, Tennessee vehicle assembly plant recertified and improved its energy performance by 24% over six years (May 2017) 


Nissan simultaneously certified three facilities to ISO 50001 and SEP, saving close to 1,600 billion Btu. (May 2017) 


Nissan North America improved energy performance by 13.8% across three U.S. sites. (May 2018)


Schneider Electric logo

Schneider Electric used the enterprise-wide approach to certify 19 facilities. (May 2017)