Get Involved2019-08-15T16:12:08-04:00

Add your support for community-led development

Explore the different ways you can contribute to and learn about our distinct approach to sustainable development. You can make a difference when you help us make effective, cost-efficient investments that transform lives across Latin America and the Caribbean.

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Support transformative innovation

Your gift will support our continued mission to provide development assistance directly to civil society in Latin America and the Caribbean.

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Partner with us

Multiply impact with us

Join the Inter-American Foundation’s Public-Private Partnerships Program and become part of a group who share our commitment across Latin America.

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Student Volunteer Program

We offer semester-long, non-paid volunteer positions during the Spring, Summer and Fall for students in high-school, college and graduate school.

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Graduate students, evaluators, and researchers:

The IAF will relaunch its Fellowship program in the Fall of 2020. Please check back then for details on how to collaborate with us.

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