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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Medical Surge Capacity and Capability

The goal of the Medical Surge Capacity and Capability (MSCC) project is to develop a management system that promotes public health and medical system resiliency and maximizes the ability to provide adequate public health and medical services during events that exceed the normal medical capacity and capability of an affected community.

The Medical Surge Capacity and Capability (MSCC) Handbook describes a systematic approach for managing the medical and public health response to an emergency or disaster. The MSCC handbook identifies recent changes to the Federal emergency response structure, particularly the Federal public health and medical response. It also expands on several concepts described in the first edition of the MSCC handbook to facilitate their implementation. While the tiered approach described in this handbook is consistent with NIMS and the NRP, this revision addresses terminology and concept descriptions to assure consistency with Federal guidance.  Learn More>>

MSCC:  The Healthcare Coalition in Emergency Response and Recovery provides guidance to healthcare planners on how to develop, implement, and maintain cost-effective and response-oriented Healthcare Coalitions. It describes the common elements of an effective Healthcare Coalition that may be applied in any locale to operationally support individual healthcare organizations and the larger community response to emergencies or disasters. The Coalition is highlighted as an emergency response organization in order to distinguish this handbook from other efforts that are underway across the U.S. that primarily coordinate emergency preparedness. Learn More>> 

  • This page last reviewed: August 25, 2010