Contact Us

If you have questions about specific certification and/or training requirements, contact your agency Acquisition Career Manager.

If you would like to request training, please review the current course offerings on the Find and Register for Courses page on If you do not see a subject or topic you desire or the training is not offered in a nearby location, please contact your Acquisition Career Manager to discuss your particular requirements.

If you have questions about FAITAS or the FAI Website, call 703-752-9604 or submit a ticket to the FAI help desk.

Stay in the Loop with FAI! Sign up for FAI’s email publication “Acquisition Today” and follow us on Facebook and Twitter. If you would like to submit content to be included, complete this form. If you cannot access the online form, please use this PDF form and email to FAI. Content will be reviewed and included as appropriate.

Office Address:

(Attention: OGP/MVB)
1800 F Street, NW
Washington, DC - 20405

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For Press Inquires:

GSA Public Affairs Office
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