WAPA » Transmission » OASIS


Open access same-time information system, ​(OASIS), is an Internet-based tool for sharing information on transmission prices and product availability. FERC Order No. 889 restricts communication between power marketing and transmission operation employees within any one organization. Utilities can obtain information about their own transmission system for their own wholesale power transactions only through OASIS. Customers can view Available Transmission Capability; submit transmission service requests, etc. on the applicable region’s OASIS site(s) below:


The Desert Southwest region (DSW), based in Phoenix, Arizona, operates and maintains WAPA transmission lines and facilities in Arizona, California, and Nevada, constructed to market and deliver power to customers from the Boulder Canyon and Parker-Davis projects and the transmission resources from the southern portion of the Pacific NW-SW Intertie.  DSW manages a control area from the regional office in Phoenix, AZ, known as the Western Area Power Administration, Lower Colorado, or WALC.

Visit DSW's OASIS  site.  (Note: A digital certificate and login is required for full access.)


The Colorado River Storage Project Management Center (CRSP MC), based in Salt Lake City, Utah, manages the Salt Lake City Area Integrated Projects, which provides power to customers in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming.  The Rocky Mountain Region operates and maintains the SLCA/IP transmission facilities and provides engineering and other assistance to the CRSP MC. Transmission marketing for CRSP MC is performed by RMR under TSP code of CRCM.

To reserve transmission on the SLCA/IP transmission system visit RM’s CRCM OASIS  site.​


The Rocky Mountain region (RM), based in Loveland, Colorado operates and maintains WAPA's transmission facilities in Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, and Nebraska, which were constructed to market and deliver power from the Loveland Area Projects under the TSP code of LAPT. The region also markets the Salt Lake City Area/Integrated Projects transmission system in Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah under the TSP code of CRCM.  RMR manages a control area in Loveland, Colorado, known as the Western Area Power Administration, Colorado Missouri, or WACM.

Visit RM’s CRCM OASIS  site.  (Note: A digital certificate and login is required for full access.)

Visit RM’s LAPT OASIS  site.  (Note: A digital certificate and login is required for full access.)

RM also manages transmission marketing for Basin Electric Power Cooperative for its transmission facilities in the WAPA ​​Interconnection under the TSP code of BEPW.

Visit BEPW OASIS  site.  (Note: A digital certificate and login is required for full access.)

Sierra Nevada Region transmission (TSP = WASN)

The Sierra Nevada region (SN), based in Folsom, CA, operates and maintains the Central Valley and Washoe projects' transmission lines and facilities, which were constructed to market and deliver power resources to wholesale customers in northern and central California and Nevada. The region imports additional power over Western Area Power Administration's share of the Pacific Northwest-Pacific Southwest Intertie and the California-Oregon Transmission Project. The region operates a sub-control area called the Western Area Sierra Nevada, which also has ownership rights to capacity in the Pacific AC Intertie and the Los Banos-Gates Transmission Upgrade Project, known as Path 15. WASN is located in the Balancing Authority of Northern California control area.  

Visit SN's OASIS  site. (Note: A digital certificate and login is required for full access.)

Upper Great Plains transmission (TSP = WAPA)

The Upper Great Plains region (UGP), based in Billings, Montana, manages transmission facilities in Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota and Iowa. These transmission facilities were constructed to market and deliver power from the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program—Eastern Division. UGP joined the Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (SPP) as a transmission owner and transferred functional control of all of its eligible transmission facilities (in both the Eastern and Western Interconnections) to SPP on Oct. 1, 2015. Transmission service over those UGP Regional transmission facilities is now available solely under the SPP Open Access Transmission Tariff (SPP Tariff) via the SPP OASIS. UGP manages a Balancing Authority Area in the Western Electricity Coordinating Council region called Western Area Power Administration—Upper Great Plains West, or WAUW from its Control Center in Watertown, SD. UGP merged its Balancing Authority Area in the Midwest Reliability Organization region called Western Area Power Administration—Upper Great Plains East, or WAUE into SPP's Balancing Authority Area when it joined SPP on Oct. 1, 2015. Ancillary services offered by UGP as the WAUW Balancing Authority operator are also solely available under the SPP Tariff.


Visit UGP's OASIS  site for more information that includes historic information for the Western-UGP/Basin Electric Power Cooperative/Heartland Consumers Power District integrated transmission system called the Integrated System (IS). (Note: A digital certificate and login is required for full access.)


Find more information about SPP's OASIS  site. (Note: A digital certificate and login is required for full access.)​

Page Last Updated: 1/9/2020 3:05 PM