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Joined February 2011

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  1. "Жвандун" - популярный социально-политический журнал, издавался в Афганистане в 1949-1996:

  2. Spanish writer Benito Pérez Galdós' original manuscript of "La Fontana de Oro" (The fountain of gold), 1868:

  3. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., photographed on August 28, 1963 (day of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom):

  4. موسوعة الشعر التركي للمستشرق الإسكتلندي إلياس غِب تعتبر من أهم ما كتب في هذا المجال.

  5. Piazza del Duomo (Cathedral Square) in Milan, Italy, depicted in this c1890 photochrome print:

  6. 这一 1680 年的《小仓百人一首》绘本收录了100 首日本古典诗歌(和歌),每首由不同歌人创作:

  7. This summer, WDL will host a Jr Fellow to research & upgrade metadata of Arctic-related content. Learn more & apply!

  8. Японские дети и их родители ожидают вывоза из Калифорнии в лагерь для интернированных, 1942 г.:

  9. The Aztec Tonalpohualli ("day count") calendar, from the third section of the 16th-century Tovar Codex:

  10. Carte italienne du 19e s. montrant le bassin oriental de la Méditerranée, la mer Rouge & le golfe Persique:

  11. Illuminated Ethiopian Gospel book, made in the first half of the 16th century, and written in Gǝ‛ǝz. See more here:

  12. الأطلس البحري للخرائطي الجنوي باتيستا أغنيسي يرجع لعصر النهضة ويتميز بجماله وجودته العالية.

  13. A horned owl, as shown in a c1773 book on birds by François Nicolas Martinet. View other illustrations here:

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