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34 3j, 6j, 9j SymbolsComputation

§34.14 Tables

Tables of exact values of the squares of the 3j and 6j symbols in which all parameters are 8 are given in Rotenberg et al. (1959), together with a bibliography of earlier tables of 3j,6j, and 9j symbols on pp. 33–36.

Tables of 3j and 6j symbols in which all parameters are 17/2 are given in Appel (1968) to 6D. Some selected 9j symbols are also given. Other tabulations for 3j symbols are listed on pp. 11-12; for 6j symbols on pp. 16-17; for 9j symbols on p. 21.

Biedenharn and Louck (1981) give tables of algebraic expressions for Clebsch–Gordan coefficients and 6j symbols, together with a bibliography of tables produced prior to 1975. In Varshalovich et al. (1988) algebraic expressions for the Clebsch–Gordan coefficients with all parameters 5 and numerical values for all parameters 3 are given on pp. 270–289; similar tables for the 6j symbols are given on pp. 310–332, and for the 9j symbols on pp. 359, 360, 372–411. Earlier tables are listed on p. 513.