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Progress and Challenges With FAA's Call to Action for Airline Safety

Project ID: 

On February 4, 2010, the Inspector General testified on the status of the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Airline Safety and Pilot Training Action Plan (Call to Action Plan) to improve airline safety and address pilot workforce issues.  FAA announced this plan after hearings regarding the Colgan Air accident last February.  The Office of Inspector General’s review found that FAA’s Call to Action Plan is a good first step, but FAA’s progress in implementing the Plan’s initiatives has been slow—specifically, those related to pilot fatigue, training, and professionalism and efforts to strengthen air carriers' voluntary safety programs.  At the request of Congress, the Office of Inspector General is also reviewing other pilot performance issues to determine their potential impact on safety.  These include pilot domicile, differences in pilot training and hiring, and pilot experience and pay.