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System Overview

Typical Federal Office Building Potable Water Use
Typical Federal Office Building Potable Water Use

A typical Federal office building with 200 employees uses about 3,000 gallons of water in one day. The daily water usage breaks down under these categories.

The Federal Government uses an estimated 244 to 256 billion gallons of water annually, enough to supply a state the size of Michigan or over 10 million people.1 Of this amount, a significant percentage can be preserved through water conservation measures targeting

  • Domestic water (including drinking, restrooms, and cooking)
  • Heating and cooling
  • Landscaping
  • Custodial services

Sustainable water systems in commercial office buildings are considered a high priority due to

  • New and existing water resources becoming increasingly scarce or too costly to harvest
  • Increased per capital water consumption
  • Spiking water and sewer utility rates (100-400%)2 during the last decade

Moderate efficiency efforts and proper maintenance of water system components can save the Federal Government approximately forty percent of its water and related energy use, leading to beneficial resource, human, and financial implications.

1. Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) 2. Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG): Water Conservation

Water Components

  • Facility-Wide
  • Kitchen
  • Restroom
  • Mechanical Room