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Air Handling Unit (AHU)

Air conditioning uses the refrigeration process for cooling air or water for conditioning and cooling the space. In air conditioning systems, a chiller is typically used to cool water that is distributed to heat exchangers, or coils, in air handling units, or other type of devices which cool the air in its respective space(s). The water is then re-circulated back to the chiller to be cooled again.

Learn & Plan Topics

  • Indoor Air Quality

    EPA studies indicate indoor levels of pollutants may be up to ten times higher than outdoor levels. Source: Environmental Protection Agency (2008). An Introduction to Indoor Air Quality. http://www.epa.gov/iaq/voc.html
  • Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)

    Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) is most simply described as the conditions inside a building. It does not refer to the air quality alone, but the entire environmental quality of a space, which includes air quality, access to daylight and views, pleasant acoustic conditions, and occupant control over lighting and thermal comfort.

  • Conducting LCA

    The US Department of Energy has developed an LCA report to help evaluate the energy and environmental benefits of LEDs when compared to incandescent and fluorescent lighting. This analysis follows the four steps outlined above. When using LCA to compare equipment, it is important to establish a common unit of performance by which each will be judged.
  • Materials, Furniture, and Furnishings Replacement

    Daily wear and tear means that materials, furniture and furnishings require periodic replacement.

  • Comfort

    Comfortable workers are more likely to be productive and engaged with their work than those who struggle to work in spaces that create barriers and stresses. With ever increasing needs to be mindful of the environment when designing spaces, GSA is developing practices that support both sustainability and worker comfort.

  • Sustainable Building Operations and Maintenance Services

    Follow these sustainable strategies as your space renovations are complete and the building and interiors are operated in an environmentally sustainable manner. Operations staff should endeavor to establish best practices in energy efficiency, resource conservation, ecologically sensitive products, and other sustainable practices, and implement them.

  • Fiber Paper Recycling

    Every 40 cases of 100% post-consumer fiber paper saves the equivalent of the following:

    • 24 trees 40 feet in height
    • 7,000 gallons of water
    • 4,100 kilowatt hours of electricity
    • 60 pounds of air pollution

    Source: http://www.sustain.ucla.edu/handbook/article.asp?parentid=3465 UCLA Sustainability

  • Post Consumer Fiber Paper

    Every 40 cases of 100% post consumer fiber paper saves the equivalent of the following:

    • 24 trees 40 feet in height
    • 7,000 gallons of water
    • 4,100 kilowatt hours of electricity
    • 60 pounds of air pollution

    Source: UCLA Sustainability

  • LCA Example: Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)

    The US EPA has developed a guide about conducting LCA. The LCA process is a systematic, phased approach and consists of four components: goal definition and scoping, inventory analysis, impact assessment, and interpretation.
  • Energy & Atmosphere

    Buildings and facilities rely on the operation of mechanical systems and electrical systems to maintain a comfortable indoor environmental quality for occupants. Building operations consume approximately 39% of the energy and 74% of the electricity produced annually in the United States, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Greenhouse gases are generated and released throughout the life cycle of producing and consuming fossil fuel energy. These greenhouse gases directly contribute to air pollution and climate change. Therefore, atmospheric problems can be reduced by increasing the efficiency with which energy is used‚ optimizing the use of natural energy resources‚ and understanding the effects of energy technologies on the atmosphere.

  • Health

    Good health has both physical and psychological components. Being healthy means the absence of disease and illness, as well as feeling positive about life and work. The workplace can play a role in the health of workers by eliminating risks and creating conditions that support cognitive, emotional, and social well being.

  • Space Reconfiguration and Renovation Projects

    As needs change over time, tenants often need to convert space or phase the conversion of individual space or rooms to meet these changing needs.

  • Under 10,000 SF Interiors Gut Rehab Project

    Following are Sustainable Strategies to consider as the space has or will undergo a major tenant gut rehab for projects under 10,000 SF. Note to use a current version of LEED for Commercial Interiors for tenant improvement projects over 10,000 SF. Refer to the Share Section for a represented project Case Study to discover key practices, benefits, results and checklists.

  • Building Systems Upgrades

    The following are Sustainable Strategies to consider as your space undergoes a building system upgrade to improve energy, water use and occupant comfort. Refer to the Share Section for a representative project Case Study to discover key practices, benefits, results and checklists.

  • Flexibility

    Today's workplaces are often in flux. As organizations change direction or develop new services, people also move. Teams form and re-form. People move to new spaces and take on new responsibilities. The spaces themselves are transformed to meet new needs. These changes are much easier to accommodate, with less stress on people and the organization, when the workplace is designed to support flexibility.

  • Planning to Build Green

    Sustainability "means to create and maintain conditions, under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic, and other requirements of present and future generations." Executive Order 13514

  • Life Cycle Approach

    Materials and resources all have environmental, social and economic impacts beyond just their "use" phase in a project. Analyzing these environmental impacts and financial costs over the entire life span of a product or material is what is known as a Life Cycle Approach.
  • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Overview

    When seeking to make the most sustainable choice, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) provides the most data to inform your decision. By including the impacts throughout the product life cycle, LCA provides a comprehensive view of the environmental aspects of the product or process and a more accurate picture of the true environmental trade-offs in product and process selection.

Whole Building Analysis


  • Overhead Air Distribution

    Overhead air distribution is the most common approach to mixing and delivering conditioned air to a space.
  • Under Floor Air Distribution

    Under floor air distribution systems supply conditioned air to an occupied space via diffusers in a raised floor. This system effectively maintains thermal comfort and indoor air quality levels.
  • Plants / Planters

    Interior plants contribute to an aesthetically pleasing environment. There are several different types of indoor plants, all which vary according to the ease of growth and maintenance, resistance to pests, and efficiency at cleaning the air we breath. Foliage plants are great for indoor work environments because they dont flower and thus do not introduce allergens into the air. http://greenplantsforgreenbuildings.org
  • Paper Composite

    Paper Composite is a type of solid surfacing countertop made from paper, fibers and resin. The resin typically does not come from recycled sources; however, it only constitutes a small portion of the material used. They are available in a range of colors, are very durable and handle heat well.
  • Composting Toilets

    Composting toilets are not common in commercial buildings; however, they are becoming a more common environmentally preferred option as they are odor-free and use less potable water, if any. Composting toilets use an aerobic process to break down waste by using little or no water. There are two types of composting toilets: self-contained and split units.
  • Steel Frame

    Window frames are one component of a window assembly. In naturally ventilated buildings window frames allow the window to be opened to bring in fresh air and closed tight to prevent intrusion. Steel frames were popular in the early to mid 1900's, but they are not typically used in this day and age because they are heavy and rust easily. Sometimes steel is specified where fire-protection and extra-strength assemblies are required by code.
  • Aluminum Frame

    Window frames are one component of a window assembly. In naturally ventilated buildings window frames allow the window to be opened to bring in fresh air and closed tight to prevent intrusion. Aluminum frames are strong, less prone to warping, but typically are less energy efficient since aluminum is a good conductor of heat. Look for thermally improved aluminum window frames.
  • Wood Frame

    Window frames are one component of a window assembly. In naturally ventilated buildings window frames allow the window to be opened to bring in fresh air and closed tight to prevent intrusion. Wood window frames deliver exceptional thermal performance; however, they may require more maintenance.
  • Vinyl Frame

    Window frames are one component of a window assembly. In naturally ventilated buildings window frames allow the window to be opened to bring in fresh air and closed tight to prevent intrusion. Vinyl frames deliver exceptional thermal performance; however, various toxic emissions are related to the manufacture of vinyl.
  • Fiberglass Frame

    Window frames are one component of a window assembly. In naturally ventilated buildings window frames allow the window to be opened to bring in fresh air and closed tight to prevent intrusion. Fiberglass window frames are structurally strong and are good thermal insulators.
  • Composite Wood

    Interior doors are often made of a composite wood core covered with a laminate or wood veneer. Doors made with engineered wood are cheaper than solid wood doors, but may pose indoor air quality problems from emissions in the binders or adhesives. Greener engineered wood alternatives include formaldehyde-free door cores, those that are made of recycled content or made from agricultural waste, such as wheat straw. Additionally, veneers may be made of sustainably grown and harvested wood. These greener alternatives must be explicitly specified, as they are not standard materials.
  • Everything 142

    • Learn & Plan Topics 18

      • Learn
      • Plan
    • Whole Building 94

    • Compare Materials 11

Procure Products 19

in the Green Products Compilation