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DMM Reference 601.10.17.7

Forensic material containing a biological material, such as tissue, body fluid, excreta, or secreta, and sent on behalf of a federal, state, local, or Indian tribal government agency must be packaged under 346.325 when it is not known or suspected to contain a Category A or Category B infectious substance. Forensic material known or suspected to contain a Category A infectious substance is not mailable. Forensic material known or suspected to contain a Category B infectious substance as identified in 346.321 is mailable with First-Class Mail, Priority Mail, or Express Mail service when triple-packaged in a primary receptacle, secondary container, and a rigid outer shipping container.

Proper Shipping Name


Required Packaging

Primary Receptacle
Secondary Container

The secondary container must be firmly and snugly packed within a strong outer shipping container that is securely sealed. The secondary container must also display the international biohazard symbol shown in Exhibit 346.321.

Outer Shipping Container