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System Overview

Americans spend approximately 90 percent of their time indoors and as a result their comfort, health, and work performance rely heavily on indoor environmental quality (IEQ).1 The indoor environment of an office facility is affected by a combination of conditions:

  • Thermal (temperature)
  • Lighting (amount and color)
  • Acoustical (noises and volume)
  • Ventilation (air content and quality)

The personal ability to control these conditions leads to higher occupant satisfaction. Since IEQ is embedded in all aspects of building operations, any changes to building design or operational practices can have significant impacts on interior conditions. Thoughtful integration of an IEQ strategy can lead to healthier occupants and positively impact vision, mood, and comfort factors, thereby increasing performance, satisfaction and reducing absenteeism and healthcare costs.

1.EPA Buildings and their Impact on the Environment: A Statistical Summary

IEQ Components

  • Facility-Wide
  • Interior