Shared Stewardship

Chief Christiansen speaking at a podium at a Washington State MOU signing.

“Shared Stewardship is about working together in an integrated way to make decisions and take actions on the land.”


  -  USDA Forest Service Chief Vicki Christiansen

Shared Stewardship

Today’s forest land managers face a range of urgent challenges, among them catastrophic wildfires, more public demand, degraded watersheds, and epidemics of forest insects and disease.  The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service has a new Shared Stewardship Strategy to address these challenges by working collaboratively to identify priorities for landscape-scale treatments.

Through Shared Stewardship, we will work with a variety of partners to do the right work in the right place and at the right scale. By coordinating at the state level to prioritize, we will be able to increase the scope and scale of critical forest treatments that support communities and improve forest conditions.

Such approaches are essential to achieve common benefits, such as protecting life and property in the wildland urban interface, where homes and businesses intermingle with state and federal wildlands.

The Shared Stewardship Strategy builds on a foundation of collaborative work, such as the Joint Chief’s Landscape Restoration Partnership, the National Cohesive Strategy for Wildland Fire Management, and the Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program.  It also builds on authorities created or expanded in the 2018 Omnibus Bill and the 2018 Farm Bill, such as Good Neighbor Authority.

As we move forward together in Shared Stewardship, we will use updated performance metrics to account for complex outcomes.  We will continue to improve the efficiency of our National Environmental Policy Act process as we employ new tools that aid in evaluating risk, setting mutual priorities, and making land management investments at scales where the payoffs are the highest.

We will build on this foundation as we move forward, working more closely than ever with states, tribes, and other partners to set cross boundary priorities.


A map showing the states that have signed shared stewardship agreements - Washington, Oregon, Idaho, California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico Texas, Nebraska, Arkansas, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina and Massachusetts.


Formal Shared Stewardship Agreements


National Announcements


Shared Stewardship by Region



Click to watch a short video about Shared Stewardship!


Science and measurement


Frequently Asked Questions


Background and additional resources


State and Forest Service Contacts

State Contacts


Forest Service Contact Information