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EPA's Error Correction Performance Standards for Customer Service

Error Correction Performance Standards:

1) Once you send in the error notification, you will receive immediate confirmation of its transmission upon receipt by EPA.

2) Within 2 to 4 business days, EPA will communicate to you on the status of your error notification, including the name and contact information of the data manager who is handling the error you brought to our attention.

3) Within 10 business days, EPA will communicate with you on the status of the actions that require research to resolve the error.

4) We commit to providing you with a detailed report when the error is resolved.

Our performance goal is to achieve 100% customer satisfaction. You have taken the time to notify EPA of discrepancies in the data and we want to make sure that we keep you informed on the status of your notification throughout this process. We value your input and your review of EPA's data. Your involvement allows us to maintain a high level of quality. Thank you!

Click here to view the work flow process chart that shows how error notifications will be handled