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Facilities Management Institute

The Facilities Management Institute (FMI) exists to help facilities management professionals thrive in a rapidly changing environment. FMI provides easily accessible online tools and resources explicitly designed to advance your skills, knowledge and professional development.

New Course Open for Public Comment
Step 1 Basic Compliance

Start by identifying your basic skill gaps with our free, online assessment. We’ll direct you to free resources you can use to fill them.

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Step 2 Advanced Career Planning

See how your current training and credentials prepare you for your current job or your next job. Make a training plan to advance your career.

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Public Not a Federal Employee?

Our tools are available to all. Plan your career in industry or prepare for a government role. Show that your firm’s employees are qualified to work on federal facilities.

Roles Key Topics for Every Position

Explore the topics covered by our resources and learn which are highest priority for your specific role.

About FMI

FMI brings together government, industry and academia with the goal of integrating, aligning and innovating all aspects of the Facilities Operations and Management profession through continuous collaboration on core competencies, curriculum, and continuing education.

Legislative Intent

Taxpayer investment in Federal facilities must be protected and leveraged through the cost savings involved in maximizing building performance. Achieving this level of performance requires a government wide program that stresses training and continuing education in the implementation of industry best practices and life cycle operations and management.
- Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Report (paraphrased)

Training Resources and Providers

FMI Documentation


Program Points of Contact


All feedback on FMI documents and notices that are open for comment should be sent via email to AskFMI@gsa.gov. Comments through other avenues will not be accepted. Once comments are collected, they will be posted publicly alongside the document.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is required to comply with the Federal Buildings Personnel Training Act; are there specific occupational series?

All personnel directly involved in building operations and maintenance or energy management at the building level are impacted by the Act. Given the different approaches that each Federal agency takes to these functions it is not possible to list the functions by occupational series, however, in general this will apply to personnel performing facility management, building or installed-equipment operations, energy management, and safety and design functions related to facility or energy management. Personnel in these categories are frequently, though not always, in the GS-8XX, 11XX, and 16XX series, or, wage grade positions involved in building or installed equipment operations. Consult your supervisor, or, send questions regarding your specific situation to AskFMI@gsa.gov.

FEDSAT logo AccelerateFM logo

Do you or your firm perform operations and maintenance, energy management, or other facilities-related functions in federal buildings? If so, Public Law 111-308 (FBPTA) applies to you. FMI's free tools and resources will help you comply with the law, advance your career, and distinguish you from the competition in this rapidly-developing field. Start with FEDSAT. Completing it is a great way to see if you have the basic knowledge required by the FBPTA. As you take this open-book test you will see where you need additional training and find links to free, online resources to help. At the end you can print a certificate of completion that demonstrates basic compliance with this Act. How can you and your organization move beyond basic and set yourselves apart? Accelerate FM takes you to advanced compliance. Select the facilities role you perform, find the knowledge required to move from entry to journeyman to master levels within your field, and find training and credentials aligned to those requirements. AFM will help you track and report your progress over time. Use AFM to demonstrate the skills that you and your workforce have.

Facility management is a team approach. No one person is expected to know everything, but, across an entire agency, across all facilities, energy, and building operations – they should all be met. Where do you fit in?

Decorative matrix mapping 7 core competencies to 6 building roles. Most cells are shaded as either requiring expert knowledge or awareness. The core competencies highlighted are:  Manage O&M, Perform O&M, Technology, Energy & Water, Safety, Project Management, and Budget & Performance. The roles are:  Asset Manager, Building Operator, Building Trades, Energy Manager, Facility Manager, and Project Manager.