Northern West Virginia Center for Independent Living

Breaking Barriers...Bridging Paths to Independence

NWVCIL Home Page

"Independent living is not doing things by's being in control of how things get done."






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Mission Statement

Northern West Virginia Center for Independent Living is an advocacy resource center for persons with disabilities and the communities in which they live, not a social service agency.

What's the difference? We don't do for people; we do a lot with people. We want our consumer to be independent, not dependent on us for their independence. We do all that is possible to ensure that consumers have the skills and information they need to make informed choices and assist communities to better meet the needs of their citizens with disabilities.

Direct Services

Services provided directly to an individual with a disability must meet the requirements. Eligibility for direct services is based upon three criteria:

--Are you a person with a disability?
--Do you reside in a county covered by NWVCIL?
--Do you have a desire to live independently within the community of your choice?


Executive Director's Statement

"Centers for Independent Living are not social service agencies, but rather, resource centers for persons with disabilities and the communities in which we reside. What's the difference? We don't do much for people, we do a lot with people. We don't do case management because we believe people need to manage their own lives. We want the consumer to demonstrate motivation to change a situation which may be a barrier to independent living, not just complain about it. What an individual gets from a center is directed by that individual. We respect individual diversity and we support personal choice. We won't 'rescue' people from bad choices. We are not a crisis center, nor are we a transportation service. We want our consumers to be independent, not dependent on us for their independence. We do all that is possible to ensure that you have the skills and information you need to make informed choices. We'll assist you to ensure your community affords you equal opportunity to its resources, and we assist communities to better meet the needs of its citizens with disabilities."

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