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Today in Energy

November 2017

November 30, 2017

Residential heating oil and propane prices are expected to be higher than last winter

November 29, 2017

Wind turbine heights and capacities have increased over the past decade

November 28, 2017

Natural gas production in Bakken region increases at a faster rate than oil production

November 27, 2017

Biomass and waste fuels made up 2% of total U.S. electricity generation in 2016

November 22, 2017

U.S. average gasoline prices this Thanksgiving are higher than the previous two years

November 21, 2017

Natural gas inventories end October just below the previous five-year average

November 20, 2017

Link between growth in economic activity and electricity use is changing around the world

November 17, 2017

Decommissioning nuclear reactors is a long-term and costly process

November 16, 2017

Growth in global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions expected to slow

November 15, 2017

Transportation constraints and export costs widen the Brent-WTI crude oil price spread

November 14, 2017

Russia exports most of its crude oil production, mainly to Europe

November 13, 2017

CO2 emissions from coal fell by record amount in 2015, led by Texas and Midwest

November 9, 2017

Coal stockpiles at U.S. coal power plants have fallen since last year

November 8, 2017

EIA forecasts growth in world nuclear electricity capacity, led by non-OECD countries

November 7, 2017

More U.S. distillate is being exported

November 6, 2017

Repowering wind turbines adds generating capacity at existing sites

November 3, 2017

Growth in plug-in electric vehicles depends on future market conditions

November 2, 2017

Almost 40% of global liquefied natural gas trade moves through the South China Sea

November 1, 2017

Widening Brent-WTI price spread unlikely to change East Coast crude oil supply

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