Global Legal Monitor: September Highlights

The Global Legal Monitor (GLM) is a Law Library of Congress publication providing summaries on new legal developments around the world.  It is updated frequently and can be searched by author, topic and jurisdiction. Here is a list of the top ten most viewed GLM articles in September, including ones published about two years ago that remain popular …

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Being Well-informed: Training

This is a guest post by Judy Graves, Digital Projects Coordinator, Digital Reference Section and instructor, Introducing, the monthly webinar series and Pamela Barnes Craig, Instruction/Reference Librarian. “Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government. . . .” Thomas Jefferson to Richard Price, Jan. 8, 1789 Believing wholeheartedly that …

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The Law Society of Upper Canada – Pic of the Week

Last week my colleague Tariq and I traveled to Toronto for the International Association of Law Libraries’ (IALL) 31st annual course on international law and legal information.  Living up to its name, attendance at the conference was made up of law librarians from six continents representing twenty countries. As is the custom, the theme of …

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A Interview with Barry Priest, Web DevAdmin

This week’s interview is with Barry Priest, Web DevAdmin.  This is the third in the new series of interviews that focus on Library of Congress staff who contributed to Describe your background. My degree is in Theater Design and Technology from Purdue University. That program allowed me the flexibility to pursue interests in CAD/3D rendering, computer science …

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The New Cyber Battlefield: Implications under International Law of Armed Conflict

The application of international law of armed conflict to cyber-warfare has been under intense discussion recently following the release of Stuxnet, a highly sophisticated computer worm and related malware which was reportedly developed by two technologically advanced countries. The Stuxnet release allegedly ruined centrifuges at Iran’s Natanz uranium enrichment facility. According to Reuters, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards had announced that that country was prepared …

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Capoeira: From Crime to Culture

The following is a guest post by Eduardo Soares, a Senior Foreign Law Specialist in the Global Legal Research Center of the Law Library of Congress.  Eduardo is a Brazilian attorney and provides research services relating to the laws of Portuguese-speaking jurisdictions. Portuguese explorers first made landfall in Brazil on April 22, 1500.  After the discovery, the …

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Slate’s Dahlia Lithwick Speaks at Constitution Day Event

In celebration of Constitution Day (September 17), the Law Library welcomed Dahlia Lithwick of Slate Magazine who presented a lecture titled “Supreme Court Review: Election Year Issues and Highlights of the Last Term.”  The event was held on Monday, September 24 in the Mumford Room on the sixth floor of the James Madison Building. Lithwick’s …

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