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Data & informatics

News and Updates

Projects and Programs

Research Data Framework (RDaF)

In the past decade, research data have become widely recognized as a critical national and global resource, and the risks of losing or mismanaging research data

Genome in a Bottle

Consortium hosted by NIST and JIMB dedicated to authoritative characterization of benchmark human genomes. Sign up for General GIAB and Analysis Team email

Functional Analysis of Variance

Modern instruments tend to produce data that are consisted of measured spectra, probability distribution functions, or simply sampled curves. Statistical



The NIST Data Alignment Tool

The Data Alignment Tool (DAT) was built to assist with the analysis of data used in testing fault detection and diagnostics (FDD) tools and building


RECIPE is a FORTRAN program for determining one-sided tolerance limits (in particular, A- and B-basis material property values) for regression models in the

Tools and Instruments
