Participation of Taiwan in the Upcoming World Health Assembly 

Participation of Taiwan in the Upcoming World Health Assembly Press Statement U.S. Mission to the United Nations in Geneva November 6, 2020 We urge Director-General Tedros to invite Taiwan to participate in the upcoming World Health Assembly on November 9-14. We encourage the WHO to expand its efforts to offer Taiwan increased meaningful cooperation and …

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The U.S. Government’s Opposition to the Business and Human Rights Treaty Process 

The U.S. government will not participate in the Open-Ended Intergovernmental Working Group (OEIGWG) session this week on the articulation of a business and human rights treaty.  We continue to oppose this treaty based on its substance and the process around its development.   

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Statement by Ambassador Shea: WTO Fisheries Subsidies Negotiations

WTO Fisheries Subsidies Negotiations Heads of Delegation Meeting Statement by Ambassador Dennis C. Shea October 9, 2020 Thank you, Santiago, for your report and reflections on the week, as well as sharing some of your plans for the intersessional period leading up to the November meetings. The United States continues to support your process, which …

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Statement by Ambassador Bremberg on the Report of the Commission on Unalienable Rights

  Statement by Ambassador Andrew Bremberg U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Geneva On the Release of the First Report of the Commission on Unalienable Rights At this moment, hundreds of millions of men, women, and children around the world continue to suffer under harsh authoritarian regimes, where their …

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Release of Arbitrarily Detained Civilians and U.S. Citizens in Syria to Avert COVID-19 Spread

In light of threats posed by COVID-19, the United States reiterates its calls for the Assad regime to take concrete steps to protect the fate of thousands of civilians, including U.S. citizens, being held arbitrarily in overcrowded and inhumane conditions in regime detention centers.

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U.S. Delegation to the 77th (27th Extraordinary) Session of WIPO Coordination Committee

Ambassador Andrew Bremberg, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva, will serve as the Head of Delegation.  Ambassador Robert Wood, U.S. Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva, and Mr. Andrei Iancu, Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and …

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USAID Statement on the Commitment of $37 Million in Assistance to Respond to COVID-19

The U.S. Government is providing these funds to the World Health Organization, other multilateral institutions, and programs led by USAID’s implementing partners. These are the first U.S. Government funds committed from the pledge of up to $100 million announced by the U.S. Department of State on February 7, 2020.

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U.S. Participation in the Geneva International Discussions on the Conflict in Georgia

During the December 10-11 fiftieth round of the Geneva International Discussions (GID) on the conflict in Georgia, the U.S. delegation expressed frustration that participants have been unable to make progress on core issues and called on Russia to fulfill its obligations under the August 12, 2008 six-point ceasefire agreement, including in particular by withdrawing Russian …

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U.S. Participation in the Geneva International Discussions on the Conflict in Georgia

At the forty-ninth round of the Geneva International Discussions (GID) on the conflict in Georgia, the U.S. delegation expressed concern over the recent escalation of tensions along the Administrative Boundary Line (ABL) with South Ossetia.

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U.S. Department of State Imposes Visa Restrictions on Chinese Officials for Repression in Xinjiang

The United States calls on the People’s Republic of China to immediately end its campaign of repression in Xinjiang, release all those arbitrarily detained, and cease efforts to coerce members of Chinese Muslim minority groups residing abroad to return to China to face an uncertain fate. 

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United States Announces Additional Humanitarian Assistance in Response to Venezuelan Regional Crisis

Deputy Secretary John Sullivan and United States Agency for International Development Administrator Mark Green announced September 4 in Cúcuta, Colombia more than $120 million in additional U.S. humanitarian assistance to address the largest external displacement of persons in the Hemisphere’s history.

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Deputy Secretary Sullivan’s Participation in Strategic Security Dialogue with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov

The Strategic Security Dialogue is the latest in a series of meetings the United States has conducted with Russian officials to build on Secretary Pompeo’s and Foreign Minister Lavrov’s discussions during their May 14 meeting in Sochi, Russia.

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Public Designation, Due to Gross Violations of Human Rights, of Burmese Military Officials

Today, the Department of State is publicly designating the following individuals and their immediate family members for the named individuals’ responsibility for gross human rights violations, including in extrajudicial killings in northern Rakhine State, Burma, during the ethnic cleansing of Rohingya.

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Increased Violence in Northwest Syria

The United States is alarmed by the escalation of violence in Idlib and northern Hama. Ongoing Russian and regime airstrikes, along with attacks by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and other groups connected to Al Qaeda in Syria, continue to destabilize the region, exacerbate the dire humanitarian situation, and cause dozens of civilian deaths and injuries – …

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The United States and Partners Hold Event on Human Rights Violations and Abuses in Nicaragua

On April 4, the United States, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Georgia held an event in Geneva, Switzerland, to expose the ongoing violations and abuses of human rights in Nicaragua that began in April 2018 with the Ortega-Murillo regime’s violent crackdown on peaceful protesters.

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Humanitarian Assistance for Afghans Affected by Conflict, Drought, and Other Natural Disasters  

The United States announced more than $61 million in additional humanitarian assistance to meet the needs of vulnerable communities, displaced persons, and returning refugees across Afghanistan, as well as Afghan refugees in the region.

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U.S.-Hosted Event on Protecting Fundamental Freedoms in Xinjiang, China

On March 13, the United States co-hosted an event with Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland to raise awareness regarding ongoing and egregious human rights abuses in Xinjiang, where more than one million Uighurs, ethnic Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, and other members of Muslim minority groups have been …

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United States Provides Additional Humanitarian Aid to Venezuelans Who Have Fled Their Country

Today, Vice President Pence announced that the United States is providing nearly $56 million in additional humanitarian assistance to support the regional response for the nearly 3.4 million Venezuelans who have fled Venezuela due to the political and economic crisis caused by Nicolas Maduro.

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United States Is Ready To Provide Urgent Humanitarian Aid to the People of Venezuela

Secretary of State Pompeo announced that the United States is ready to provide more than $20 million in initial humanitarian assistance to the people of Venezuela as they struggle to cope with severe food and medicine shortages and the other dire impacts of their country’s political and economic crisis caused by the illegitimate Maduro regime.

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Details on the “Ministerial To Promote a Future of Peace and Security in the Middle East”

The “Ministerial to Promote a Future of Peace and Security in the Middle East,” held jointly by the United States and Poland, will take place in Warsaw, Poland on February 13-14. We have received very positive responses from our partners and allies around the world, with dozens of countries expressing their willingness and intention to …

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U.S. Participation in the Geneva International Discussions on the conflict in Georgia

At the forty-sixth round of the Geneva International Discussions (GID) on the conflict in Georgia, December 11-12, the United States welcomed efforts by the GID Co-Chairs and participants to re-convene the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM) meetings in Gali and Ergneti as soon as possible.

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U.S. Statement at the Universal Periodic Review of Saudi Arabia

We commend the Kingdom’s initiatives to broaden societal and economic participation for Saudi Arabian women.  We remain, however, concerned about guardianship laws and credible reports of the forcible return of women to Saudi Arabia after these women have entered the sovereign jurisdiction of other countries.

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Decision by Staffan De Mistura To Finish His Tenure as UN Special Envoy for Syria

In his four years and four months as UN Special Envoy for Syria , Staffan de Mistura has worked tirelessly to find a solution to the Syrian crisis, saved lives by working to deescalate the violence that has engulfed the country, and eased suffering by constantly pressing for unhindered delivery of vital medical and humanitarian …

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Press Releases: Remarks at the United Against Nuclear Iran Summit

Remarks by Michael R. Pompeo Secretary of State Westin Grand Central Hotel New York City September 25, 2018 SECRETARY POMPEO: Thank you. Thank you, all. Thank you. Thanks. So I’m still – it’s going to take me just a minute to recover. I was desperately afraid Senator Lieberman was going to ask me to translate some …

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Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor: Remarks on “Stepping up Action to End Forced Labor, Modern Slavery, and Human Trafficking”

Deputy Secretary Sullivan: “I’m pleased to announcethat we are working with our Congress to make a second $25 million available to the Global Fund to End Modern Slavery as well as to the University of Georgia Research Foundation to work toward our mutual aim of ending modern slavery through transformative programs, innovative research methodologies, and …

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On U.S. Appearance Before the International Court of Justice

Today, oral proceedings before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) began in The Hague on an application for provisional measures in a case brought by Iran against the United States, Alleged Violations of the 1955 Treaty of Amity, Economic Relations, and Consular Rights. Iran’s filing with the ICJ is an attempt to interfere with the …

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Assistant Secretary Poblete Addresses the Conference on Disarmament

United States Remarks at the Conference on Disarmament As delivered by Assistant Secretary of State for Arms Control, Verification and Compliance Yleem D.S. Poblete Geneva, Switzerland August 14, 2018 Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you, all. Mr. President, I would like to bring to the attention of this body a matter related to outer space …

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United States Commemorates World Refugee Day

On World Refugee Day, we join the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and our international partners in commemorating the strength, courage, and resilience of millions of refugees worldwide who have been forced to flee their homes due to persecution and conflict.

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Joint Statement of President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un at the Singapore Summit

President Donald J. Trump of the United States of America and Chairman Kim Jong Un of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) held a first, historic summit in Singapore on June 12, 2018.

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An Unfair, Unfree Vote in Venezuela

The United States condemns the fraudulent election that took place in Venezuela on May 20. This so-called “election” is an attack on constitutional order and an affront to Venezuela’s tradition of democracy. Until the Maduro regime restores a democratic path in Venezuela through free, fair, and transparent elections, the government faces isolation from the international …

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Report of the OPCW Fact-Finding Mission in Syria Regarding an Alleged Incident in Saraqib on 4 February 2018

Press Statement Heather Nauert Department Spokesperson Washington, DC May 17, 2018 On May 15, 2018, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Fact-Finding Mission, released its report regarding an alleged incident in Saraqib, Syrian Arab Republic on 4 February 2018. The FFM “determined that chlorine, released from cylinders through mechanical impact, was likely …

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United States Announces Additional Humanitarian Assistance for Yemen

USAID: Today, the United States announced nearly $87 million in additional humanitarian assistance to help the people of Yemen, who face the world’s largest food-security emergency and worst cholera outbreak, driven by more than three years of war. This funding brings the total U.S. humanitarian assistance for the Yemen response since the beginning of Fiscal …

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United States Pledges Nearly $133 Million in Additional Humanitarian Assistance for the People of South Sudan

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Gayle Smith announced the additional funding at the “High Level Side Event on South Sudan” on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. This additional funding brings the total U.S. humanitarian aid for the people of South Sudan to nearly $1.9 billion since the …

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United States Begins Implementation of Changes to the Visa Waiver Program

The United States today began implementing changes under the Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015 (the Act). U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) welcomes more than a million passengers arriving to the United States every day and is committed to facilitating legitimate travel while maintaining the highest standards of security …

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2015 World Day Against Child Labor: Education not Exploitation

2015 World Day Against Child Labor: Education not Exploitation Press Statement John Kirby Department Spokesperson Washington, DC June 12, 2015 On this World Day Against Child Labor, there is a growing consensus and commitment to ending exploitative child labor around the world. More children are in schools today than ever before, because the international community …

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