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Speeches and Presentations by FSIS Officials, 2020


The data and information presented in the below presentations and speeches was current at the time of delivery. Due to the ongoing nature of FSIS work and the revisions to projects and information presented herein; any reference or inference made outside the frame of the contents of theses slides, may lead to inaccurate, out-of-the-context, and/or misleading interpretations. For specific information or updates, readers are encouraged to visit the FSIS website at www.fsis.usda.gov or contact the Office of Public Affairs and Consumer Education at (202) 720-9113.

Webinar: PHIS Export 2.0 (MP4 video) | Transcript (PDF) | Presentation (PDF) (Jul 30, 2020)
Learn about updates and changes to the export functions of our Public Health Information System, or PHIS. This webinar includes live demonstrations of system updates that expand functionality and improve the export application process.

Webinar: USDA Assistance for Small Meat Processors (MP4 video) | Transcript (PDF) | Presentation (PDF) (Jul 28, 2020)
USDA offers many support options for small scale processing. USDA’s Rural Development (RD) offers loans, grants, and loan guarantees to assist small and very small meat processors, and USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) provides inspection services that broaden the marketplace for processors who are looking for more retail and commercial outlets. In this webinar, you will hear from Under Secretary for Food Safety Mindy Brashears and Deputy Under Secretary for Rural Development Bette Brand, as well as RD and FSIS leadership, to learn how these opportunities and programs work together to support small scale meat processing.


Last Modified Aug 12, 2020