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Health Programming for Summer Reading

The Network of the National Library of Medicine has partnered with the Collaborative Summer Library Program to bring health programming to your library for Summer Reading!

Summer Reading 2020 - Imagine Your Story!

Check out the following health programs that compliment the summer reading theme for 2020!

These health programs were developed in partnership with the Collaborative Summer Library Program. Your feedback is encouraged. https://nnlm.gov/Zkj

Summer Reading 2019 - A Universe of Stories  

Take a look back at last summer's health programs. Explore DNA and family history, make stardust, discover astronaut food, and more with our science programs for kids, teens, and adults in the NNLM Summer Health Programming Manual.

Exploring Genetics with Kids and Teens Kit

NNLM MAR piloted a program-in-a-box kit for 300 members to assist with Summer Library Programming. Below are lesson plans associated with the kit!

NNLM Reading Club

Short on time? Want to own a "program-in-a-box?" The NNLM Reading Club Book Kit can be requested and shipped free from a participating Network of the National Library of Medicine regional office. Learn more and order today!

Additional Guides and Webinars

Recorded Webinar: Health Programming for Summer Reading & Virtual Engagement
Resource Guide: Health Programming for Summer Reading & Virtual Engagement
Recorded Webinar: Providing Virtual Programming in a Health Crisis

Don’t miss MAR’s Program Ideas and Guides page which includes programs-in-a-box, program ideas, and other resources for ideas and inspiration for public libraries and community based organizations.

Contact your Regional Medical Library for more information about trainings, programs, and funding opportunities.

For feedback and questions about the summer reading initiative, please contact Michael Balkenhol.