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Overview of NNLM National Initiatives and Priority Areas


A NNLM National Initiative is an activity approved by the National Network Steering Committee (NNSC) in which a majority of ROCs (RMLs/Offices/Centers) participates. A NLM/NIH priority for NNLM represents issues, topics, and activities that are important at NLM and NIH, and that NLM’s Office of Engagement and Training (OET) identifies as a priority for the NNLM program.

Active National Initiatives

  • The NNLM All of Us initiative is a partnership between NNLM and the NIH All of Us Research Program with two main objectives. The first is to facilitate All of Us community engagement through public libraries and other NNLM members. The second objective is to provide training for All of Us program staff and participants. Community engagement activities support and develop the NNLM All of Us Community Engagement Network (CEN). The NNLM All of Us Training and Education Center (TEC) develops training activities and educational content to support community engagement for All of Us.
  • The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiative is a collaboration among NNLM, Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL), and the Medical Library Association (MLA) to establish a baseline of understanding of DEI for members and staff of each organization. The initiative includes “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Nine Conversations that Matter to Health Sciences Librarians,” a webinar series of both internal and external dialogues about similarities and differences. The NNLM Cultural Humility Advisory Team (CHAT) and activities at ROCs continue this initiative.
  • The Public Libraries Initiative aims to develop long-term partnerships and collaborations that bring NLM’s information resources to communities across the U.S. The goal of this national initiative is to promote health information literacy by equipping library staff with effective skills and high-quality resources to meet the needs of their patrons.  
    • In partnership with the Collaborative Summer Learning Program, the Summer Reading Program provides libraries across the country with activity and program ideas that combine the theme and health information literacy. Supporting materials for these activities include professional artwork, themed promotional items, activities and evidence-based instruction manuals targeting prereaders, children, teens and adults. In May 2019, the Summer Reading Program was folded into the Public Libraries Initiative.


NLM and NIH Priority Areas for NNLM