BEA Data Application Programming Interface (API)

What is it?

The data API provides programmatic access to BEA published economic statistics using industry-standard methods and procedures. BEA's data API includes methods for retrieving a subset of our statistical data and the meta-data that describes it.

The data API and its documentation are for programmers who are familiar with the concepts and techniques of retrieving data from Web Services.

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What is available?

  • UnderlyingGDPbyIndustry New!
    Underlying Detail estimates of value added, gross output, and intermediate inputs by industry
  • InputOutput
    Make and use tables, direct requirements, and total requirements statistics.
  • RegionalIncome
    Detailed income and employment statistics by state, county, and metropolitan area; price parities statistics by state and MSA.
  • RegionalProduct
    Detailed GDP statistics by state and metropolitan statistical area.
  • RegionalData
    Income, product, and employment statistics by state, county, and metropolitan area
  • NIPA
    NIPA tables with options
  • NIUnderlyingDetail
    NI Underlying Detail tables with options
  • FixedAssets
    Fixed Assets tables with options
  • ITA
    International Transactions dataset by indicator, area or country, frequency, and year
  • IntlServTrade New!
    International Services Trade dataset by type of service, trade direction, affiliation, area or country, and year
  • IIP
    International Investment Poqsition dataset by type of investment, component, frequency, and year
  • GDPByIndustry
    Estimates of value added, gross output, intermediate inputs, KLEMS, and employment statistics by industry
  • MNE
    Direct Investment by direction of investment, series, classification, year, country, and industry; and activities of Multinational Enterprises (MNE) by direction of investment, ownership, bank/non-bank, series, classification, year, country, industry, and state.
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