
This section of the website serves as a comprehensive repository of information and guidance on some of the most significant and frequently researched topics related to Federal Acquisition. Each page in the Topics section integrates memos and guidance, training, and tools and resources from various sources. This section will be frequently updated with additional topics and new information, so check back soon. Also, please let us know if there are new topics that you would like us to cover:

Past Performance

Contains guidance and tools that have been developed by the General Services Administration (GSA), the Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP), and others to help agencies improve their reporting and use of past performance information.

Buyers Club

The Federal-wide Buyers Club supports is being implemented to inform, inspire, and encourage the use of innovative acquisition methods necessary to successfully meet federal IT service needs, though many of the methods may be applicable to non-IT service acquisitions.  The Federal-wide Buyers Club is a Community of Practice open to all Federal government employees with an interest in successful acquisitions.

Contingency Contracting Corps

The Contingency Contracting Corps is a government-wide group of volunteer, trained contract specialists who provide on-call support to lead agencies in emergency response and recovery missions.

Cybersecurity and Supply Chain Risk Management

Cybersecurity and Supply Chain Risk Management are becoming exponentially more critical in acquisition processes. These presentations are produced to familiarize Federal acquisition professionals with their intricacies.