The Presidio - A New Kind of National Park

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Presidio is where San Francisco began. This inspiring setting at the mouth of an iconic bay was home to native peoples for more than a thousand years. Later it became a cultural crossroads for three nations laying claim to its strategic position.

 In 1776, the Presidio was established as Spain’s northernmost outpost in the Americas. It then served as a Mexican fort from 1822 until 1846, when it became a premier U.S. Army post. Generations of soldiers passed through its gates, serving our nation around the world. 

The Army departed in 1994, when the Presidio began the transformation to its next public purpose. Today, the Presidio is a new kind of national park offering authentic experiences of nature, history and community. It is yours to discover. 

Yours to Discover
​Today’s Presidio is home to the spectacular vistas, nature, and programs that you would expect in a great national park, plus much more. Hundreds of former military buildings are now animated by more than 3,000 residents and 200 companies—including high tech start-ups, innovative non-profits and others that offer a surprising mix of visitor experiences. The park is home to museums and food trucks, art and archaeological sites, San Francisco’s newest recreation facilities and its most historic building. On any given day at the Presidio, organizations are pursuing new ideas, scientists are conducting research, and people of all ages are learning, playing and exploring. 

A Partnership Park - The Presidio Trust​
This era of the Presidio, now part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, is made possible through a creative approach to national park management that requires public-private collaboration.  The Presidio is managed by the Presidio Trust, in partnership with the National Park Service​. We also receive tremendous support from the non-profit Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy.​