RACO Chicago 2010 Summary

RACO Chicago 2010 was held August 24 at downtown Chicago's landmark Palmer House Hilton Hotel, recently and splendidly renovated to combine late-nineteenth-century grandeur with twenty-first century convenience. It was hosted by NARA's Great Lakes Region. The theme, "Managing Records of an Open Government," brought 134 records management professionals from the Greater Chicago area, the Great … Continue reading RACO Chicago 2010 Summary

Tomorrow is RACO!

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our big day, the Records Administration Conference! We've worked hard to put together a great program that includes a keynote presentation by Cass Sunstein, the administrator of OIRA and remarks from the Archivist David Ferriero. Additional sessions will be Jason Baron on the Future of e-Mail Preservation, a panel … Continue reading Tomorrow is RACO!

NARA’s 22nd Annual Records Administration Conference (RACO 2010)

Today's post comes to us from Susan Cummings, Deputy Director of Modern Records Programs As we launch Records Express, we can’t forget the reason we started it in 2009 – to announce andshare updates about our annual Records Administration Conference – RACO! The theme for RACO 2010 here in DC on May 12th, as well … Continue reading NARA’s 22nd Annual Records Administration Conference (RACO 2010)