About OCG

The Office of Cancer Genomics (OCG), within the Center for Cancer Genomics of the National Cancer Institute (NCI), supports high-throughput genomics, development of next-generation human tumor-derived culture models, and systems biology approaches to advance the knowledge of molecular mechanisms involved in the initiation and progression of cancer. OCG initiatives aim to accelerate the translation of research findings to improve the clinical outcomes of cancer patients.

NCI, part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), is the federal government’s principal agency for cancer research and training. NCI’s mission is to lead, conduct, and support cancer research across the nation to advance scientific knowledge and help all people to live longer, healthier lives. NCI’s scope of work spans a broad spectrum of cancer research across a variety of disciplines and supports research training opportunities at career stages across the academic continuum.

OCG advances the NCI’s mission by supporting research programs that enhance the potential of precision oncology by improving the molecular definition of cancer subtypes—including rare and/or high-risk—and identifying potential novel strategies that can be translated into effective patient treatments. OCG-supported programs share data with the research community through Data Matrices, Data Portal, Dashboard, and NCI Genomic Data Commons. Valuable research reagents, resources, and bioinformatic approaches developed by OCG programs are also shared with the research community.

Figure: This flowchart visualizes the interactions between the four OCG-supported programs to achieve the aforementioned goals. View or download a 508 compliant version.

Flowchart of current OCG programs


Last updated: November 10, 2020