

United States - International Organization

Also known as:
ICF International, Inc.


private organization
These organizations are related to this organization :
Christopher W. Avery Lead Author 2 chapters
  1. nca4 chapter A1 : Appendix 1: Report Development Process
  2. nca4 chapter A3 : Appendix 3: Data Tools and Scenario Products
Matthew Dzaugis Lead Author 1 chapter
  1. nca4 chapter A5 : Appendix 5: Frequently Asked Questions
Alexa Jay Lead Author 1 chapter
  1. nca4 chapter 1 : Overview
Michael J. Savonis Lead Author 1 report
  1. ornl-climchinfrastructure-2012
Katherine Weingartner Lead Author 1 chapter
  1. nca4 chapter A4 : Appendix 4: Looking Abroad: How Other Nations Approach a National Climate Assessment
this organization Author 4 reports
  1. fhwa-hep-12-053
  2. fhwa-peerexchange-2009
  3. measuring-overcrowding-housing
  4. usgcrp-towards-scenarios-us-demographic-change-workshop-report-2015
Susan Asam Author 1 chapter
  1. nca4 chapter 27 : Hawai‘i and US-Affiliated Pacific Islands
Christopher W. Avery Author 1 chapter
  1. nca4 chapter 1 : Overview
Anne Choate Author 1 article
  1. National housing and impervious surface scenarios for integrated climate impact assessments
Author 1 chapter
  1. nca4 chapter 12 : Transportation
Author 1 figure
  1. nca4 12.3
Michelle F. Colley Author 2 articles
  1. Assessment of projected temperature impacts from climate change on the U.S. electric power sector using the Integrated Planning Model®
  2. Impacts of rising air temperatures and emissions mitigation on electricity demand and supply in the United States: A multi-model comparison
Paul Cross Author 1 article
  1. Assessment of projected temperature impacts from climate change on the U.S. electric power sector using the Integrated Planning Model®
Apurva Dave Author 2 chapters
  1. nca4 chapter 1 : Overview
  2. nca4 chapter 16 : Climate Effects on U.S. International Interests
Matthew Dzaugis Author 1 chapter
  1. nca4 chapter 1 : Overview
G. Randall Freed Author 1 report
  1. c2es-adaptingtoclimch-2008
Phillip Groth Author 1 article
  1. National housing and impervious surface scenarios for integrated climate impact assessments
Melinda Harris Author 1 article
  1. Climate change and older Americans: State of the science
Juanita Haydel Author 2 articles
  1. Assessment of projected temperature impacts from climate change on the U.S. electric power sector using the Integrated Planning Model®
  2. Impacts of rising air temperatures and emissions mitigation on electricity demand and supply in the United States: A multi-model comparison
Bradford J. Hurley Author 1 article
  1. Climate change and older Americans: State of the science
Wendy S. Jaglom Author 3 articles
  1. Assessment of projected temperature impacts from climate change on the U.S. electric power sector using the Integrated Planning Model®
  2. Climate change and older Americans: State of the science
  3. Impacts of rising air temperatures and emissions mitigation on electricity demand and supply in the United States: A multi-model comparison
Nisha Krishnan Author 1 article
  1. Climate change and older Americans: State of the science
Charlotte Mack Author 2 articles
  1. Assessment of projected temperature impacts from climate change on the U.S. electric power sector using the Integrated Planning Model®
  2. Impacts of rising air temperatures and emissions mitigation on electricity demand and supply in the United States: A multi-model comparison
Rawlings Miller Author 1 article
  1. Assessment of projected temperature impacts from climate change on the U.S. electric power sector using the Integrated Planning Model®
Joanne R. Potter Author 1 article
  1. Continuing challenges in transportation adaptation
Katie Reeves Author 1 chapter
  1. nca4 chapter 1 : Overview
Michael Savonis Author 1 article
  1. A note on climate change adaptation for seaports: A challenge for global ports, a challenge for global society
Michael J. Savonis Author 1 article
  1. Continuing challenges in transportation adaptation
Peter Schultz Author 3 articles
  1. Assessment of projected temperature impacts from climate change on the U.S. electric power sector using the Integrated Planning Model®
  2. Climate change and older Americans: State of the science
  3. Impacts of rising air temperatures and emissions mitigation on electricity demand and supply in the United States: A multi-model comparison
Author 1 chapter
  1. nca4 chapter 16 : Climate Effects on U.S. International Interests
Author 1 figure
  1. nca4 16.1
Mark M. Shimamoto Author 1 article
  1. The role of health in urban climate adaptation: An analysis of six U.S. mities
Cassandra B. Snow Author 1 article
  1. Continuing challenges in transportation adaptation
Fran Sussman Author 1 report
  1. c2es-adaptingtoclimch-2008
Boddu Venkatesh Author 2 articles
  1. Assessment of projected temperature impacts from climate change on the U.S. electric power sector using the Integrated Planning Model®
  2. Impacts of rising air temperatures and emissions mitigation on electricity demand and supply in the United States: A multi-model comparison
Christopher W. Avery Contributor 1 chapter
  1. nca4 chapter A2 : Appendix 2: Information in the Fourth National Climate Assessment
Therese Tess Carter Contributor 1 chapter
  1. nca4 chapter A1 : Appendix 1: Report Development Process
Katie Reeves Contributor 1 chapter
  1. nca4 chapter A1 : Appendix 1: Report Development Process
Kathryn Tipton Contributor 1 chapter
  1. nca4 chapter A3 : Appendix 3: Data Tools and Scenario Products
Christopher W. Avery Contributing Author 1 chapter
  1. nca4 chapter A5 : Appendix 5: Frequently Asked Questions
Apurva Dave Contributing Author 1 chapter
  1. nca4 chapter A4 : Appendix 4: Looking Abroad: How Other Nations Approach a National Climate Assessment
Christopher Hogan Contributing Author 1 report
  1. dot-potential-2008
Kevin M. Wright Contributing Author 1 report
  1. dot-potential-2008
Christopher W. Avery Editor 1 report
  1. nca4
Christopher W. Avery Coordinator 11 chapters
  1. nca4 chapter 13 : Air Quality
  2. nca4 chapter 14 : Human Health
  3. nca4 chapter 18 : Northeast
  4. nca4 chapter 20 : U.S. Caribbean
  5. nca4 chapter 23 : Southern Great Plains
  6. nca4 chapter 24 : Northwest
  7. nca4 chapter 25 : Southwest
  8. nca4 chapter 29 : Reducing Risks through Emissions Mitigation
  9. nca4 chapter 4 : Energy Supply, Delivery, and Demand
  10. nca4 chapter 5 : Land Cover and Land Use Change
  11. nca4 chapter 8 : Coastal Effects
Natalie Bennett Coordinator 6 chapters
  1. nca4 chapter 11 : Built Environment, Urban Systems, and Cities
  2. nca4 chapter 14 : Human Health
  3. nca4 chapter 17 : Sector Interactions, Multiple Stressors, and Complex Systems
  4. nca4 chapter 24 : Northwest
  5. nca4 chapter 4 : Energy Supply, Delivery, and Demand
  6. nca4 chapter 6 : Forests
Ashley Bieniek-Tobasco Coordinator 2 chapters
  1. nca4 chapter 13 : Air Quality
  2. nca4 chapter 14 : Human Health
Apurva Dave Coordinator 3 chapters
  1. nca4 chapter 16 : Climate Effects on U.S. International Interests
  2. nca4 chapter 20 : U.S. Caribbean
  3. nca4 chapter 9 : Oceans and Marine Resources
Matthew Dzaugis Coordinator 5 chapters
  1. nca4 chapter 18 : Northeast
  2. nca4 chapter 19 : Southeast
  3. nca4 chapter 7 : Ecosystems, Ecosystem Services, and Biodiversity
  4. nca4 chapter 8 : Coastal Effects
  5. nca4 chapter A5 : Appendix 5: Frequently Asked Questions
Allyza Lustig Coordinator 12 chapters
  1. nca4 chapter 10 : Agriculture and Rural Communities
  2. nca4 chapter 12 : Transportation
  3. nca4 chapter 15 : Tribes and Indigenous Peoples
  4. nca4 chapter 18 : Northeast
  5. nca4 chapter 19 : Southeast
  6. nca4 chapter 20 : U.S. Caribbean
  7. nca4 chapter 21 : Midwest
  8. nca4 chapter 22 : Northern Great Plains
  9. nca4 chapter 27 : Hawai‘i and US-Affiliated Pacific Islands
  10. nca4 chapter 3 : Water
  11. nca4 chapter 7 : Ecosystems, Ecosystem Services, and Biodiversity
  12. nca4 chapter 8 : Coastal Effects
Katie Reeves Coordinator 1 chapter
  1. nca4 chapter 21 : Midwest
Sarah Zerbonne Coordinator 3 chapters
  1. nca4 chapter 13 : Air Quality
  2. nca4 chapter 14 : Human Health
  3. nca4 chapter 28 : Reducing Risks through Adaptation Actions
Anne Choate Point of Contact 1 figure
  1. nca4 12.3
Michelle F. Colley Point of Contact 1 article
  1. Assessment of projected temperature impacts from climate change on the U.S. electric power sector using the Integrated Planning Model®
Michael J. Savonis Point of Contact 1 article
  1. Continuing challenges in transportation adaptation
Peter Schultz Point of Contact 1 figure
  1. nca4 16.1
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