Where We Work2020-12-10T10:26:28-05:00

Portfolio of active grants

Since our first grant awarded in 1972, the Inter-American Foundation has invested more than $844 million in more than 5,500 community development projects across Latin America and the Caribbean.

Our community partners undertake an array of initiatives that range from food production to community services to small business initiatives. The majority of these projects focus on expanding economic opportunity in disadvantaged areas and for marginalized populations. Because our approach to development is holistic, we support projects that address multiple development areas and achieve sustainable benefits beyond the life of a grant. This means that the impact of a small IAF investment is truly transformative in the region.

Explore our portfolio of active projects by country, and learn about the remarkable work our partners do.


active projects




total IAF investment

Funding priorities by country

We prioritize our funding based on the potential that grants have to make significant impact on our strategic goals in these countries and across the region.

The high priority region includes Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Colombia, Mexico, Haiti, Nicaragua and Peru.

These countries have been identified by the IAF’s strategic plan — and by U.S. foreign policy and development assistance agencies — as funding priorities. They face poor social and economic conditions in numerous regions that could be significantly improved through our bottom-up approach to community development. Additionally, these countries have motivated but incipient civil society and community groups seeking catalytic funding and feature engaged bilateral donors and private sector entities (philanthropic and corporate) increasingly interested in supporting social responsibility at home.

Proposals from these countries will receive the majority of the IAF’s annual grant funding.

Targeted engagement countries include Brazil, Paraguay, Ecuador, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Panama, Costa Rica, Jamaica, and the Eastern Caribbean.

While not the highest priorities for the U.S. from a development perspective, these countries warrant continued IAF investment. Persistently high poverty and inequality rates, limited economic opportunities, significant “informal” economies and weak governance mean that many communities in these countries are good candidates for our model of community-led development. They also feature a mix of incipient and sophisticated grassroots and civil society groups seeking to lead their own development and contain philanthropic and business sectors with partnership potential.

Limited programming countries include Argentina, Belize, Uruguay, and Chile.

These countries are not U.S. foreign policy or development assistance priorities. Several countries are characterized by higher levels of development relative to the rest of Latin America and the Caribbean, a mature and dynamic civil society, and sophisticated philanthropic sector and business community. Others have limited absorptive capacity for IAF support due to high operating costs and the small size of civil society and business sectors. We will accept proposals from these countries and look for promising grassroots development innovations, replication potential (especially through multi-country grants), and high private sector leverage.

Funding will be awarded to those proposals determined to be of exceptional merit.

Country Portfolio

Recently awarded grants

2020 – AIHVIS

Asociación de Participación Social y Ecológica de Inspectores Honoríficos de Vida Silvestre (AIHVIS) trains local youth for jobs in environmental education and as park rangers. 

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