Published Articles Using FLASHE Data

This page is updated approximately every three months. To provide information about a FLASHE publication for this page, please contact


In press or published online ahead of print

In press or published online ahead of print
Publication Focus Type
Fu Y, Burns RD, Hsu Y-W, Zhang P. Motivation, segmented physical activity, sedentary behavior, and weight status in adolescents: a path analysis. Res Q Exerc Sport. Online ahead of print. Physical activity, Sedentary behavior / Electronic device use Individual analysis
Mbogori T, Arthur TM. Perception of body weight status is associated with the health and food intake behaviors of adolescents in the United States. Am J Lifestyle Med. Online ahead of print. Diet Individual analysis
Nogg KA, Vaughn AA, Levy SS, Blashill AJ. Motivation for physical activity among U.S. adolescents: a self-determination theory perspective. Ann Behav Med. Online ahead of print. Physical activity Individual analysis


Publication Category Type
Fleary SA, Joseph P, Chang H. Applying the information-motivation-behavioral skills model to explain adolescents’ fruit and vegetable consumption. Appetite. 2020;147:104546. Diet Individual analysis
Gilchrist JD, Morris KL, Dwyer LA, Conroy DE. Patterns of sun safety behaviors in parents: Associations with physical activity, sedentary behavior, and access to neighborhood physical activity resources. Prev Med. 2020;132:105976. Sun safety and tanning, Physical activity Individual analysis
Imoisili OE, Park S, Lundeen EA, Yaroch AL, Blanck HM. Daily adolescent sugar-sweetened beverage intake is associated with select adolescent, not parent, attitudes about limiting sugary drink and junk food intake. Am J Health Promot. 2020;34(1):76-82. Diet Individual analysis
Mason TB. Loneliness, eating, and body mass index in parent-adolescent dyads from the Family Life, Activity, Sun, Health, and Eating study. Pers Rel. 2020;27:420-432. Diet Dyadic analysis
Overcash F, Davey C, Zhang Y, Reicks M. Evening meal types and family meal characteristics: Associations with demographic characteristics and food intake among adolescents. Nutrients. 2020;12(4):886. Diet Individual analysis
Thomson JL, Hennessy E, Landry AS, Goodman MH. Patterns of food parenting practices regarding fruits and vegetables among parent-adolescent dyads. Child Obes. 2020;16(5):340-349. Diet Dyadic analysis
Thomson JL, Hennessy E, Landry AS, Goodman MH. Patterns of food parenting practices regarding junk food and sugary drinks among parent-child dyads. Nutr J. 2020;19(1):91. Diet Dyadic analysis
Thompson T, Rodebaugh TL, Bessaha ML, Sabbath EL. The association between social isolation and health: An analysis of parent-adolescent dyads from the Family Life, Activity, Sun, Health, and Eating Study. Clin Soc Work J. 2020;48:18-24.   Dyadic analysis
Tribby CP, Oh A, Perna F, Berrigan D. Adolescent physical activity at public schools, private schools, and homeschools, United States, 2014. Prev Chronic Dis. 2020;17:190450. Physical activity Individual analysis
Xu L, Rogers CR, Halliday TM, Wu Q, Wilmouth L. Correlates of physical activity, psychosocial factors and home environment exposure among US adolescents: insights for cancer risk reduction from the FLASHE study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(16):5753. Physical activity Individual analysis
Yuhas M, Porter KJ, Hedrick V, Zoellner JM. Using a socioecological approach to identify factors associated with adolescent sugar-sweetened beverage intake. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2020;9:1557-1567. Diet Individual analysis
Zhang Z, Farris KL, Sun MC, Dailey RM, Donovan EE. Parenting practices, autonomous motivation, and adolescent diet habits. J Res Adolesc. 2020;30(3):800-816. Diet Individual analysis


Publication Category Type
Burns RD, Pfledderer CD, Brusseau TA. Active transport, not device use, associates with self-reported school week physical activity in adolescents. Behav Sci. 2019;9(3):32. Physical activity, Sedentary behavior / Electronic device use Individual analysis
Burns RD. Enjoyment, self-efficacy, and physical activity within parent-adolescent dyads: Application of the actor-partner interdependence model. Prev Med. 2019; 126:105756. Physical activity Dyadic analysis
Figueroa R, Kalyoncu ZB, Saltzman JA, Davison KK. Autonomous motivation, sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and healthy beverage intake in US families: differences between mother-adolescent and father-adolescent dyads. Public Health Nutr. 2019;22(6):1010-1018. Diet Dyadic analysis
Fleary SA, Ettienne R. The relationship between food parenting practices, parental diet and their adolescents’ diet. Appetite. 2019;135,79-85. Diet Individual analysis
Gesualdo N, Yanovitzky I. Advertising susceptibility and youth preference for and consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages: Findings from a national survey. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2019;51(1):16-22. Diet Individual analysis
Johnson AM, Dooley EE, Ganzar LA, Jovanovic CE, Janda KM, Salvo D. Neighborhood food environment and physical activity among U.S. adolescents. Am J Prev Med. 2019; 57(1):24-31. Physical activity Individual analysis
Joyal-Desmarais K, Lenne RL, Panos ME, Huelsnitz CO, Jones RE, Auster-Gussman LA, Johnson WF, Simpson JA, Rothman AJ. Interpersonal effects of parents and adolescents on each other’s health behaviours: A dyadic extension of the theory of planned behavior. Psychol Health. 2019;34(5):569-589. Physical activity, Sedentary behavior / Electronic device use, Diet Dyadic analysis
Lenne RL, Joyal-Desmarais K, Jones RE, Huelsnitz CO, Panos ME, Auster-Gussman LA, Johnson WF, Rothman AJ, Simpson JA. Parenting styles moderate how parent and adolescent beliefs shape each other’s eating and physical activity: Dyadic evidence from a cross-sectional, U.S. National survey. J Exp Soc Psychol. 2019;81:76-84.  Physical activity, Sedentary behavior / Electronic device use, Diet Dyadic analysis
Orehek E, Ferrer R. Parent instrumentality for adolescent eating and activity. Ann Behav Med. 2019;53(7):652-664. Physical activity, Sedentary behavior / Electronic device use, Diet Dyadic analysis
Perez LG, Oh A, Dwyer LA, Perna FM, Berrigan D. School contextual correlates of physical activity among a national adolescent sample. Prev Med Rep. 2019;14:100835. Physical activity Individual analysis
Reicks M, Davey C, Anderson AK, Banna J, Cluskey M, Gunther C, Jones B, Richards R, Topham G, Wong SS. Frequency of eating alone is associated with adolescent dietary intake, perceived food-related parenting practices and weight status: cross-sectional Family Life, Activity, Sun, Health, and Eating (FLASHE) Study results. Public Health Nutr. 2019;22(9):1555-1566. Diet Individual analysis
Rice EL, Klein WMP. Interactions among perceived norms and attitudes about health-related behaviors in U.S. adolescents. Health Psychol. 2019;38(3):268-275. Physical activity, Sedentary behavior / Electronic device use, Diet Individual analysis
Welch JD, Ellis EM, Green PA, Ferrer RA. Social support, loneliness, eating, and activity among parent-adolescent dyads. J Behav Med. 2019;42(6):1015-1028. Physical activity, Sedentary behavior / Electronic device use, Diet Dyadic analysis
Xu L, Odum M, Williams RD, Housman JM. The FLASHE study: Racial and sex disparities in adolescent and parent modifiable cancer risk behavior. Am J Health Behav. 2019; 43(5):912-913. Diet; Sedentary behavior / electronic device use Dyadic analysis
Yang R, Tracy EL, Jensen FB, Jiang Y, Linder L. The effect of screen viewing duration and self-efficacy in limiting screen viewing on loneliness in adolescent-parent dyads: An application of the actor-partner interdependence model. J Pediatr Nurs. 2019;47:106-113. Sedentary behavior / Electronic device use Dyadic analysis
Zhang Y, Davey C, Larson N, Reicks M. Influence of parenting styles in the context of adolescents’ energy balance-related behaviors: Findings from the FLASHE study. Appetite. 2019;142:104364. Physical activity, Sedentary behavior / Electronic device use, Diet Individual analysis


Publication Category Type
Cho D, Kim S. Interplay between self-efficacy and perceived availability at home and in the school neighborhood on adolescents’ fruit and vegetable intake and energy-dense low-nutrient food and sugary drink consumption. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2018;50(9):856-867. Diet Individual analysis
Dwyer LA, Patel M, Nebeling LC, Oh AY. Independent associations and interactions of perceived neighborhood and psychosocial constructs on adults’ physical activity. J Phys Act Health. 2018;15(5):361-368. Physical activity Individual analysis
Haughton CF, Waring ME, Wang ML, Rosal MC, Pbert L, Lemon SC. Home matters: Adolescents drink more sugar-sweetened beverages when available at home. J Pediatr. 2018;202:121-128. Diet Individual analysis
Liu B, Hennessy E, Oh A, Dwyer LA, Nebeling L. Comparison of multiple imputation methods for categorical survey items with high missing rates: Application to the Family Life, Activity, Sun, Health, and Eating (FLASHE) study. J Mod Appl Stat Methods. 2018;17(1); Article 23. Physical activity Individual analysis
Ma Z, Hample D. Modeling parental influence on teenagers’ food consumption: An analysis using the Family Life, Activity, Sun, Health, and Eating (FLASHE) survey. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2018;50(10):1005-1014. Diet Individual analysis
Niu Z, Parmar V, Xu B, Coups EJ, Stapleton JL. Prevalence and correlates of intentional outdoor and indoor tanning among adolescents in the United States: Findings from the FLASHE survey. Prev Med Rep. 2018;11:187-190. Sun safety and tanning, Sedentary behavior / Electronic device use Individual analysis
Odum M, Housman JM, Williams RD Jr. Intrapersonal factors of male and adolescent fruit and vegetable intake. Am J Health Behav. 2018;42(2):106-115. Diet Individual analysis
Parks CA, Blaser C, Smith TM, Calloway EE, Oh AY, Dwyer LA, Liu B, Nebeling LC, Yaroch AL. Correlates of fruit and vegetable intake among parents and adolescents: Findings from the Family Life, Activity, Sun, Health, and Eating (FLASHE) study. Public Health Nutr. 2018;21(11):2079-2087. Diet Individual analysis
Wiseman KP, Patel M, Dwyer LA, Nebeling LC. Perceived weight and barriers to physical activity in parent-adolescent dyads. Health Psychol. 2018;37(8):767-774. Physical activity Dyadic analysis


Publication Category Type
Cervi MM, Agurs-Collins T, Dwyer LA, Thai CL, Moser RP, Nebeling LC. Susceptibility to food advertisements and sugar-sweetened beverage intake in non-Hispanic Black and non-Hispanic White adolescents. J Community Health. 2017;42(4):748-756. Diet Individual analysis
DAngelo D’Angelo H, Fowler SL, Nebeling LC, Oh AY. Adolescent physical activity: Moderation of individual factors by neighborhood environment. Am J Prev Med. 2017;52(6):888-894. Physical activity Individual analysis
Dwyer LA, Bolger N, Laurenceau JP, Patrick H, Oh AY, Nebeling LC, Hennessy E. Autonomous motivation and fruit/vegetable intake in parent-adolescent dyads. Am J Prev Med. 2017;52(6):863-871. Diet Dyadic analysis
Ferrer RA, Green PA, Oh AY, Hennessy E, Dwyer LA. Emotion suppression, emotional eating, and eating behavior among parent-adolescent dyads. Emotion. 2017;17(7):1052-1065. Diet Dyadic analysis
Kim Y, Hibbing P, Saint-Maurice PF, Ellingson LD, Hennessy E, Wolff-Hughes DL, Perna FM, Welk GJ. Surveillance of youth physical activity and Sedentary behavior with wrist accelerometery. Am J Prev Med. 2017;52(6):872-879. Physical activity, Sedentary behavior / Electronic device use Individual analysis
Mâsse LC, Lytle LA. Advancing knowledge of parent-child dyadic relationships about multiple cancer preventive health behaviors: The National Cancer Institute Family Life, Activity, Sun, Health, and Eating (FLASHE) study. Am J Prev Med. 2017;52(6):833-835. Physical activity, Sedentary behavior / Electronic device use, Diet, Sun safety and tanning, Tobacco, Sleep Individual analysis
Nebeling LC, Hennessy E, Oh AY, Dwyer LA, Patrick H, Blanck HM, Perna FM, Ferrer RA, Yaroch AL. The FLASHE Study: Survey development, dyadic perspectives, and participant characteristics. Am J Prev Med. 2017;52(6):839-848. Physical activity, Sedentary behavior / Electronic device use, Diet, Sun safety and tanning, Tobacco, Sleep Individual analysis
Oh AY, Davis T, Dwyer LA, Hennessy E, Li T, Yaroch AL, Nebeling LC. Recruitment, enrollment, and response of parent-adolescent dyads in the FLASHE study. Am J Prev Med. 2017;52(6):849-855. Physical activity, Sedentary behavior / Electronic device use, Diet, Sun safety and tanning, Tobacco, Sleep Individual analysis
Saint-Maurice PF, Kim Y, Hibbing P, Oh AY, Perna FM, Welk GJ. Calibration and validation of the Youth Activity Profile: The FLASHE Study. Am J Prev Med. 2017;52(6):880-887. Physical activity, Sedentary behavior / Electronic device use Individual analysis
Smith TM, Calloway EE, Pinard CA, Hennessy E, Oh AY, Nebeling LC, Yaroch AL. Using secondary 24-hour dietary recall data to estimate daily dietary factor intake from the FLASHE study dietary screener. Am J Prev Med. 2017;52(6):856-862. Diet Individual analysis
Thai CL, Serrano KJ, Yaroch AL, Nebeling L, Oh A. Perceptions of food advertising and association with consumption of energy-dense nutrient-poor foods among adolescents in the United States: Results from a national survey. J Health Commun. 2017;22(8):638-646. Diet Individual analysis
Welk GJ, Saint-Maurice PF, Kim Y, Ellingson LD, Hibbing P, Wolff-Hughes DL, Perna FM. Understanding and interpreting error in physical activity data: Insights from the FLASHE study. Am J Prev Med. 2017;52(6):836-838. Physical activity, Sedentary behavior / Electronic device use Individual analysis
Williams RD, Housman JM, Odum M, Rivera AE. Energy drink use linked to high-sugar beverage intake and BMI among teens. Am J Health Behav. 2017;41(3):259-265. Diet Individual analysis
Williams RD, Odum M, Housman JF. Adolescent energy drink use related to intake of fried and high-sugar foods. Am J Health Behav. 2017;41(4):454-460. Diet Individual analysis


Publication Category Type
Odum M, Housman JM, Williams RD, Bishop JM, Burson S. Predicting U.S. adolescent fruit and vegetable consumption: Which socio-ecological factors matter? Am J Health Studies. 2016;31(4):213-221. Diet Individual analysis


Last Updated
September 24, 2020