We protect the American people from weapons of mass destruction

We lead the Intelligence Community and interagency to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, their delivery systems, related technologies and expertise.

Who We Are


Chemical Warfare

Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria by both state and non-state actors demonstrates that the threat of WMD is real.

Biological Warfare

Biological materials and technologies, almost always dual use, move easily in the globalized economy, as do personnel with the scientific expertise to design and use them.

Nuclear Weapons and WMD Delivery Systems

Nation-state efforts to develop or acquire weapons of mass destruction (WMD), their delivery systems, or their underlying technologies constitute a major threat to the security of the United States.

How We Work

We promote innovative solutions to counterproliferation and posture the U.S. government and its partners to anticipate emerging threats and challenges. NCPC provides overarching leadership to integrate the efforts of the Intelligence Community to meet policymakers' counterproliferation priorities.
This includes all issues, ranging from analysis and collection to interdiction. Counterproliferation efforts aim to eliminate or reduce the threats caused by the development and spread of WMD. To do this, the US Government focuses on five objectives:

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Discourage interest by states, terrorists, or armed groups from acquiring, developing or mobilizing resources for WMD purposes

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Prevent or obstruct state, terrorist, or other efforts to acquire WMD capabilities, or efforts by suppliers to provide such capabilities

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Roll Back Existing Programs

Expand efforts to identify opportunities and strategies to help policymakers eliminate or roll back WMD programs or capabilities of concern

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Deter weapons use by those possessing nuclear, radiological, biological, and chemical weapons and their means of delivery

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Increase investment and programs in support of mitigating or otherwise managing the consequences of WMD use, including support to attribution

NCPC Careers

NCPC's success comes from our diverse workforce, the majority of which are detailees from other U.S. Government departments and agencies.


National Counterproliferation Center